How Many Picks Will There Be in the First Round of the NBA Draft?

We take a look at the NBA Draft and try to predict how many picks there will be in the first round.

How Many Picks Will There Be in the First Round of the NBA Draft?


Since 1947, there have been 60 picks in the first round of the NBA Draft. In 1957, the number of teams increased from 8 to 10, and since then the draft has included between 22 and 30 first-round selections. The number of rounds has varied considerably over the years, from as many as 22 rounds in 1951 to just two in 1966. In 1989, the draft was shortened to just three rounds.

In recent years, the draft has typically featured between 30 and 34 first-round picks. For example, in 2018 there were 30 first-round picks, while in 2017 there were 33. The 2019 draft is expected to include 32 first-round selections.

Number of Picks in the First Round of the NBA Draft

In the NBA Draft, the number of picks each team gets in the first round is based on how many games that team won in the regular season. The team that won the most games gets the first pick, and the team that won the second-most games gets the second pick, and so on.

Number of teams in the NBA

There are 30 teams in the National Basketball Association (NBA). In the NBA Draft, each team gets one pick per round. So, if there are 30 teams in the NBA, that means there will be 30 picks in the first round of the NBA Draft.

Number of picks each team is allowed in the draft

The NBA Draft is an annual event in which the 30 teams in the National Basketball Association (NBA) select new players for their teams. In order to be eligible for the NBA draft, players must be at least 19 years old and one year removed from their high school graduation.

The draft consists of two rounds, with 60 selections overall. In the first round, each team is allowed to pick one player. In the second round, each team is allowed to pick two players.

The order of picks in the first round is determined by a lottery system, while the order of picks in the second round is determined by reverse order of finish from the previous season.

Teams that did not make the playoffs are given better odds in the lottery, while teams that made it further into the playoffs have worse odds. The worst team in the league has a 25% chance of getting the first overall pick, while the best team in the league has a 0.5% chance of getting that pick.


In conclusion, the answer to the question “How many picks will there be in the first round of the NBA draft?” is that it depends on a number of factors, including the number of teams in the draft, the number of players available, and the order in which teams make their selections. While it is difficult to predict how many picks will be made in any given year, based on recent history, it is safe to say that there will be at least 30 picks made in the first round of the NBA draft.

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