How Many Preseason Games Will the NFL Play in 2021?

How Many Preseason Games Will the NFL Play in 2021?


The NFL is planning to play four preseason games in 2021, down from the traditional six, and move up the start of the regular season by two weeks, according to a joint statement released by the league and the NFL Players Association on Thursday.

The changes are part of a new collective bargaining agreement between the two sides that will run through 2030. The agreement still needs to be ratified by a majority of NFL owners and the player membership.

If approved, the 2021 regular season would begin on Thursday, September 2nd. The four preseason games would be played between August 12th and September 3rd.

The move to reduce the preseason is not unprecedented; in 2020, the league played just two exhibitions games due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

How Many Games Will the NFL Play in 2021?

The NFL is set to play four preseason games in 2021, down from the traditional five, per sources. The reduction is part of the new collective bargaining agreement that was ratified by the players last week. The exhibition schedule has not been finalized, but the league is tentatively planning to have two games on Aug. 19-20 and two more on Aug. 26-27.

How Many Games Will the NFL Play in 2021?

The 2021 NFL regular season is scheduled to begin on September 9 and end on January 9, 2022. The NFL is planning to have each team play 17 regular season games. This would require adding an additional week to the schedule, which would push the Super Bowl back to February 13, 2022. In 2020, the NFL schedule was reduced from 16 games per team to just 14 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The NFL is also planning to have four preseason games in 2021. In 2020, the preseason was cancelled due to the pandemic. The 2021 preseason is scheduled to begin on August 5 and end on August 28. The first regular season game is scheduled for September 9.

How Many Games Will the NFL Play in 2021?

The NFL preseason is typically four games long, but it was reduced to two games in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The regular season is 16 games, so the total number of NFL games in 2021 will be 20.

How Many Games Will the NFL Play in 2021?

The National Football League (NFL) is expected to play a full 16-game regular season in 2021, despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. According to ESPN, the league is also planning to have a full slate of preseason games.

This news comes as a relief to NFL fans, who were worried that the pandemic might force the league to cancel or postpone games again in 2021. The 2020 NFL season was able to proceed without any major disruptions, thanks in part to extensive safety protocols put in place by the league.

It is still unclear if fans will be allowed to attend games in person next year, but the league is said to be working on plans to allow at least some spectators into stadiums. In the meantime, fans can enjoy watching their favorite teams from the comfort and safety of their homes.


It is still unclear exactly how many preseason games will be played in 2021. The NFL has not released any official statement on the matter. However, based on the information that has been released, it seems likely that the NFL will play a reduced number of preseason games in 2021. This is due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the league’s desire to protect players and staff from exposure to the virus.

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