How Many States Have an NFL Team?

A state-by-state look at how many NFL teams each state has.

How many states have an NFL team?

As of the 2019 season, there are a total of 32 NFL teams spread across the United States. Teams are located in 16 different states, with California, Florida, and Texas each hosting two NFL franchises. Below is a complete breakdown of how many teams are located in each state.

-Alabama: 1 team (the Birmingham Iron)
-Arizona: 1 team (the Arizona Cardinals)
-California: 2 teams (the Los Angeles Rams and the San Francisco 49ers)
– Colorado: 1 team (the Denver Broncos)
-Connecticut: 0 teams
– Delaware: 0 teams
– Florida: 2 teams (the Jacksonville Jaguars and the Miami Dolphins)
– Georgia: 1 team (the Atlanta Falcons)
– Illinois: 1 team (the Chicago Bears)
– Indiana: 1 team (the Indianapolis Colts)
– Iowa: 0 teams
– Kansas: 1 team (the Kansas City Chiefs)
– Kentucky: 0 teams
– Louisiana :1 team (the New Orleans Saints)
-Maine: 0 teams
-Maryland :1 team (the Baltimore Ravens)
– Massachusetts :1 team (the New England Patriots)
– Michigan :0 teams
– Minnesota :1 team (the Minnesota Vikings)
– Missouri :0 teams Mississippi :0 teams Montana :0 teams Nebraska :1 team( the Omaha Nighthawks ) Nevada :1 team( the Las Vegas Raiders ) New Hampshire :0 New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

The states with an NFL team.

NFL teams are located in almost every state, with most states having at least one team. Florida, Texas, and California have the most NFL teams, with each state having three teams. Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Washington all have two NFL teams. The following states have one NFL team each: Arkansas, Connecticut*, Delaware*, Idaho*, Indiana*, Iowa*, Kansas*, Kentucky*, Maine*, Michigan*, Mississippi*, Montana*, Nebraska*, New Mexico*, North Carolina*, Oklahoma*, Oregon%, Rhode Island%, South Carolina%, South Dakota%, Utah%, Vermont%, Virginia%, West Virginia%, and Wyoming%. *Does not have a franchise within its borders but is considered a home state of an NFL team.

The states without an NFL team.

The NFL currently has 32 teams spread out across the United States, with 14 teams in the NFC and 18 teams in the AFC. But not every state has an NFL team. In fact, there are 2 states without an NFL team:

Alaska – The northernmost state in the US, Alaska is also the most sparsely populated state, with an estimated 731,545 residents in 2019. It’s also the largest US state by area, covering 663,268 square miles. Given its large size and small population density, it’s perhaps not surprising that Alaska doesn’t have an NFL team.

Hawaii – The other US state without an NFL team is Hawaii, which is also quite sparsely populated (1.4 million residents) and geographically isolated from the rest of the country (it’s over 2,000 miles from California to Hawaii). As a result, it’s been difficult for the NFL to establish a presence in Hawaii.

Why some states don’t have an NFL team.

There are a number of reasons why some states don’t have an NFL team. Perhaps the most obvious reason is that not every state has a large enough population to support an NFL team. For example, Wyoming has a population of less than 600,000, which would make it difficult to fill an NFL stadium on a regular basis.

Another reason why some states don’t have an NFL team is because they simply don’t have the facilities to support one. An NFL team needs a large stadium that meets certain standards set by the league, and not every state has such a facility. For example, Montana does not have a single stadium that meets the minimum capacity requirements set by the NFL.

Finally, some states simply don’t have the financial resources to support an NFL team. It costs a lot of money to operate an NFL franchise, and some states simply cannot afford it. For example, Alaska has a relatively small economy and would likely struggle to fund an NFL team.

The benefits of having an NFL team in a state.

The NFL is one of the most popular sports leagues in the United States. It is also one of the most profitable. Football teams generate a lot of revenue for their states through ticket sales, merchandise sales, and broadcast rights fees.

Having an NFL team can also be a huge boost to a state’s economy. Football stadiums create jobs for construction workers, security guards, and concessions workers. And on game days, all of those fans need places to eat and drink. That means more business for restaurants and bars near the stadium.

An NFL team can also bring new visitors to a state. People come from all over to see their favorite team play. That means more money for hotels, stores, and other businesses that cater to tourists.

So there are plenty of good reasons for states to want an NFL team. But there are only 32 teams in the league, and not every state has one.

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