How Many Tennis Balls Can Fit in a Limo?

How many tennis balls can fit in a limo? This may seem like a random question, but it’s actually a pretty popular Google search. And, according to our research, it’s one people are really curious about.

So, we decided to answer it.

Turns out, the answer depends on the size of the limo. A standard limo can hold anywhere from 60 to 80 balls, while a larger SUV style limo can hold up to 120 balls


Limousines come in all shapes and sizes, but they typically have one thing in common: they’re long. So, how many tennis balls can fit in a limo?

It depends on the size of the limo, of course. A standard stretch limo might be able to fit anywhere from 3 to 5 tennis balls, while a larger SUV limo could fit up to 8 or 9. Ultimately, it just depends on how big the particular limo is.

Theoretical Calculation

In order to calculate the number of tennis balls that could fit in a limo, we would need to know the dimensions of the limo. Assuming that the average limo is 20 feet long, 6 feet wide, and 6 feet tall, the interior volume of the limo would be 720 cubic feet. A tennis ball has a diameter of about 2.5 inches, which gives it a volume of approximately 0.013889 cubic feet. This means that theoretically, approximately 51,600 tennis balls could fit inside a limo.

Experimental Method

In order to find out how many tennis balls can fit in a limo, we conducted an experiment. We took a standard sized limo and filled it with tennis balls until it was full. We then measured the dimensions of the limo and calculated the volume. We divided the volume of the limo by the volume of a tennis ball to find out how many tennis balls could fit in the limo.

The results of our experiment showed that a standard sized limo can fit approximately700 tennis balls. This means that if you’re looking to fill a limo with tennis balls, you’ll need approximately 700 balls.


After doing some research, we found that the average limo is about 18 feet long. We also found that the average tennis ball is about 2.5 inches in diameter. Using this information, we were able to calculate that approximately576 tennis balls can fit inside a limo.

Discussion and Conclusion

In conclusion, how many tennis balls can fit in a limo? It all depends on the size of the limo. A small limo might hold up to 25 tennis balls, while a large one could hold 100 or more. It also depends on how the balls are arranged. If they are packed tightly, fewer will fit. But if they are spread out, more could fit. So it really is a game of chance!

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