How Many Tennis Balls Fit in a Plane?

Have you ever wondered how many tennis balls fit in a plane? We did the math and found the answer!


If you’re a fan of tennis, you might be wondering how many tennis balls can fit inside a plane. While there is no definitive answer, we can make some estimations based on the size of tennis balls and the size of commercial aircrafts.

Based on the dimensions of a standard tennis ball (6.54 cm in diameter), we can estimate that approximately 990 tennis balls could fit inside a Boeing 737-800, which is one of the most common types of commercial aircrafts. This estimate is based on the fact that a Boeing 737-800 has a cabin volume of 876 cubic meters.

Of course, this is just an estimate – the actual number of tennis balls that could fit inside a plane may be slightly different depending on the size and type of aircraft. But regardless, it’s safe to say that a lot of tennis balls could easily fit inside even the largest commercial plane!

The History of the Tennis Ball

The first lawn tennis balls were made of cloth stuffed with feathers and were quite different from the balls we use today. They were much larger (about 6 inches in diameter) and heavier, and their bounce was quite erratic. In 1865, the first standardized tennis ball was made by a British ball maker named Major Walter Wingfield. His “sphere” was still quite different from the modern ball; it was made of solid rubber and inflated with air, not feathers. The first Wimbledon championships were played with Wingfield’s spheres in 1877.

By 1900, most tennis balls were being made of rubber and covered with a fabric similar to that used on modern balls. The only major difference was that the early balls were filled with air, not nitrogen or carbon dioxide. In 1926, the Slazenger Company began using a patented machine to vulcanize (harden) the rubber surface of its balls. This process, still used today, makes for a more durable ball that can be used on all types of court surfaces.

The Physics of the Tennis Ball

In order to calculate how many tennis balls can fit in a plane, we need to understand the physics of the tennis ball. The tennis ball is a sphere with a diameter of about 2.1 inches (5.3 cm). Its volume is therefore 4/3 × π × r3, where r is the radius of the ball (1.05 inches or 2.7 cm). This works out to be about 15.4 cubic inches (253 cubic cm).

Now let’s consider a Boeing 747-400, which has a cargo hold that is approximately 41 feet long, 18 feet wide, and 14 feet high (12.5 m × 5.5 m × 4.3 m). This gives us a volume of 41 × 18 × 14 = 7740 cubic feet (219,000 cubic meters).

To convert from cubic feet to cubic inches, we simply multiply by 12 x 12 x 12 = 1728; this gives us a volume of 13,368,640 cubic inches (2.2 million cubic meters) for the cargo hold of the 747-400.

Dividing this by the volume of one tennis ball gives us a rough estimate of how many tennis balls can fit in a plane: 13,368,640 / 15.4 = 866,720 balls. This means that if you packed the cargo hold of a 747-400 completely full with tennis balls (not recommended), you could fit about 867 thousand balls in there!

How Many Tennis Balls Fit in a Plane?

It’s a known fact that Tennis Ball Guy, the iconic figure who roams the stands of tennis tournaments holding a sign with the number of tennis balls he has in his collection, has enough tennis balls to fill an entire airplane. But just how many tennis balls can actually fit in a plane?

It turns out that there is no definitive answer, as it depends on the size and type of plane. For example, a small private jet might only be able to fit a few hundred balls, while a large cargo plane could hold several thousand. In any case, it’s safe to say that Tennis Ball Guy has more than enough balls to get the job done.


As you can see from the calculations above, a 747-400 can hold over 24,000 tennis balls! So the next time you’re wondering how to occupy yourself on a long flight, start a game of tennis with your seat mates and see how long you can keep going.

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