How Many Viewers Watched the NFL Last Night?

How Many Viewers Watched the NFL Last Night?
The answer may surprise you.

How Many Viewers Watched the NFL Last Night?


The National Football League (NFL) is America’s most popular sport. Every fall and winter, millions of fans tune in to watch the NFL’s weekly games. Last night’s game was no exception. According to initial estimates, an estimated 25 million viewers watched the game last night. This number may change as more accurate viewership data becomes available.

How many people watched the NFL last night?

58.9 million people tuned in to watch the New England Patriots take on the Los Angeles Rams in last night’s Super Bowl LIII. This is a slight decrease from last year’s game, which had 103.4 million viewers.

Nielsen ratings

According to Nielsen, an estimated 27.4 million people watched the NFL last night. This is down from 28.1 million last year and 29.3 million two years ago.

Other methods of measuring viewership

Other methods of measuring viewership, such as through surveys or Nielsen ratings, showed similar numbers. According to a Nielsen survey, an estimated 18.2 million people in the United States watched the game on television. The survey also found that 59 percent of viewers were male and 41 percent were female.

Why are ratings for the NFL falling?

The NFL’s ratings have been falling for the past few years. Some people believe that this is because the quality of play has decreased. Others believe that it is because the games are too long. Let’s take a look at the reasons why the NFL’s ratings might be falling.

Competition from other entertainment options

One of the reasons why ratings for the NFL are falling is because there is more competition from other entertainment options. With the rise of streaming services like Netflix, people are spending more time watching TV shows and movies at home. In addition, there are more choices for live sports than ever before, so people can choose to watch something other than the NFL if they want.

Other factors that may be contributing to the decline in NFL ratings include the national anthem protests, which have turned some fans away from the sport; the increasing popularity of fantasy football, which means that people are less likely to watch entire games; and the fact that games are often longer and less exciting than they used to be.

Lack of interest in the product

In recent years, the NFL has seen a decline in viewership. Reasons for this decline can be attributed to a variety of factors, including but not limited to: the retirement of popular players, increased competition from other television programs, and a general lack of interest in the product.

The NFL has been grappling with how to address these issues, and has made some changes in an attempt to win back viewers. These include changes to the rules of the game, introduction of new technologies, and efforts to make the game more exciting to watch. Time will tell if these efforts are successful.

How can the NFL improve its ratings?

The NFL has been struggling to maintain its ratings for the past few years. Last night’s game between the Green Bay Packers and the Chicago Bears was an exciting one, but it still didn’t bring in the numbers that the NFL is hoping for. So, how can the NFL improve its ratings?

Improve the quality of the product

The NFL’s television ratings have been declining over the past few seasons. The league is still the most popular sports league in the country, but its ratings have been declining. There are a number of reasons why this is happening, but the biggest reason is that the quality of the product has declined.

The NFL has become a less enjoyable product to watch for a number of reasons. First, the quality of play has declined. This is due in part to the fact that the league has instituted a number of rule changes that have made the game less exciting. For example, the league has made it illegal for defenders to hit quarterbacks below the waist, which has led to more quarterbacks being able to stand in the pocket and pick apart defenses. This has made games less exciting and led to fewer big plays.

In addition, many of the league’s best players have retired in recent years, including Peyton Manning, Calvin Johnson, and Marshawn Lynch. This has made it harder for casual fans to identify with any one team or player. Finally, off-field issues such as domestic violence and concussions have made some fans hesitant to support the league.

If the NFL wants to improve its ratings, it needs to address these issues and make changes to improve the quality of its product.

Market the product better

The NFL has seen a decline in its ratings over the past few years and there are a number of reasons why.

First and foremost, the quality of the product on the field has declined. There are more penalties and fewer big plays, which makes the games less exciting to watch. In addition, many of the game’s biggest stars have retired or been suspended, which has hurt viewership.

The NFL has also done a poor job of marketing its product. It’s been slow to embrace new technology and its broadcasts are still stuck in the past. The league also doesn’t do a good job of promoting its own players and storylines, which makes it hard for fans to get invested in the league.

If the NFL wants to improve its ratings, it needs to start by marketing its product better. It needs to embrace new technology and find ways to make its games more exciting to watch. Only then will it start to see its ratings go up.


The NFL averaged 15.8 million viewers last night across all the networks that aired games, according to early numbers. That’s up 3% from last year’s early numbers, which is good news for the league as it looks to rebound from last year’s ratings decline.

This is the first time we’re seeing viewership numbers for the NFL this season, and they’re likely to fluctuate week to week. But last night’s games were among the most highly anticipated of the young season, with two marquee matchups: the New England Patriots vs. the Houston Texans, and the Green Bay Packers vs. the Minnesota Vikings.

The Patriots-Texans game was easily the most watched of the night, with an average of 22.5 million viewers across CBS and NBC. The Packers-Vikings game averaged 16.6 million viewers on NBC.

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