How Many White Players Are in the NBA?

We take a look at the statistics to find out how many white players are currently in the NBA.


Since the National Basketball Association (NBA) was founded in 1946, the league has been comprised of players of all races and ethnicities. In recent years, the NBA has seen an increase in the number of white players, with many of them becoming All-Stars and key members of championship-winning teams.

According to a 2017 report from The Undefeated, 68 percent of NBA players were black, 26 percent were white, 4 percent were Latino, and 1 percent were Asian. The report also found that while blacks made up the majority of NBA players, whites outnumbered them in terms of All-Stars and starters. In the 2016-2017 season, 23 percent of All-Stars were black and 77 percent were white.

The NBA’s Racial History

The NBA is no stranger to racial tension. In the past, there have been a number of controversies surrounding the league and its players. But how many white players are in the NBA today?

The NBA’s Early Years

The National Basketball Association (NBA) is a men’s professional basketball league in North America, composed of 30 teams (29 in the United States and 1 in Canada). It is widely considered to be the premier men’s professional basketball league in the world.

The NBA was founded in New York City on June 6, 1946, as the Basketball Association of America (BAA). The league adopted the name of the National Basketball Association at its founding meeting on August 3, 1949. The league’s several international as well as individual team offices are directed out of its head offices located in Midtown Manhattan.

Its first president was Maurice Podoloff. In 1949, there were eleven teams in the league. By 1959, when succeed by Bob Hospital, there were seventeen franchises. At times the NBA has had as many as thirty teams. During World War II, many players left college to join the armed services. The lower number of players resulted in a decrease in games played and attendance at games dropped as well. After the war ended, several new teams were formed and eventually increased to eleven by 1950.

The ABA-NBA Merger

In 1976, the American Basketball Association (ABA) merged with the National Basketball Association (NBA). The ABA was known for having a more racially diverse player population, while the NBA was mostly made up of white players. The merger allowed for more racial diversity in the NBA, but it didn’t solve the problem entirely.

Today, the NBA is still predominantly made up of black players. In the 2019-2020 season, 78% of players were black, while only 15% were white. This is a significant change from the league’s early days, when white players made up the overwhelming majority of the league.

There are a number of possible explanations for why black players make up such a large percentage of the league today. One theory is that black athletes are simply more athletic than their white counterparts. Another possibility is that black players are more motivated to play basketball because they have fewer opportunities to succeed in other areas of life. Whatever the reason, it’s clear that the NBA has come a long way in terms of racial diversity, but there is still room for improvement.

The 1980s and 1990s

The 1980s were a time of transition for the NBA. The game was becoming more fast-paced and highlights-oriented, and the league began to embrace black players and stars more than ever before. However, racism was still a major issue in the NBA. Several high-profile incidents occurred during this time period, including:

-In 1980, Houston Rockets draft pick Lewis Lloyd was arrested and charged with robbing three white men. He was later acquitted, but the charges caused him to be blacklisted by the NBA.

-In 1987, then- commissioner David Stern instituted a dress code that banned players from wearing certain types of clothing, including hats and headphones. This was widely seen as a way to discourage black players from dressing in a “thug” style.

-In 1989, New York Knicks point guard Mark Jackson was accused of making racist comments towards white teammate Reggie Miller. Jackson denied the charges, but the incident caused tension between him and Miller for years afterwards.

Despite these incidents, the number of black players in the NBA continued to increase throughout the 1980s and 1990s. By 1998, 78% of NBA players were black. This increase in diversity led to some positive changes in the league, such as an increase in interracial friendships and relationships between players. However, it also led to some tension between black and white players, as well as between Within each race there were different levels of integration different cultures within the league

The NBA Today

The NBA is made up of the best basketball players in the world. Players come from all over the globe to compete at the highest level. The NBA is also a league that is constantly evolving. Players are always looking for new ways to gain an edge over their opponents.

The 2010s

In recent years, the NBA has been becoming more and more international, with an increasing number of players coming from all over the world. As of 2019, there are a total of 108 international players from 42 different countries and The 2010s have seen a significant increase in the number of White players in the NBA. In 2010, there were 69 White players in the NBA (8.4%), which increased to 80 in 2011 (9.3%), then peaked at 85 in 2012 (10%). The percentage of White players has been steadily declining since then and is currently at 6.9% (78 players) as of 2019.

There are a few factors that have contributed to this decline. Firstly, the number of African-American players in the NBA has been on the rise, especially in recent years. Secondly, many international players are starting to enter the league, which has also contributed to the decline in percentage of White players. Lastly, as the league continues to become more globalized and popular around the world, it is likely that we will see even more international players being drafted into the NBA in the future.

The 2020s

It’s been nearly a decade since the last time a white player was drafted in the first round of the NBA draft. In 2020, there are only six white players who are considered “rotation players” (players who regularly see playing time). This is down from 21 in 2010 and 41 in 2000.

The low number of white players in the NBA has been a topic of discussion for years, with some people attributing it to a lack of interest from white fans and others citing systemic racism.

There are a number of factors that have contributed to the decline in white players in the NBA. One is the globalization of the game, which has led to an influx of international players who are often more talented than their American counterparts. Another factor is the increased popularity of AAU basketball, which has allowed black players to get more exposure and develop their skills at a young age.

The decline in white players also reflects a larger trend in society: the growing diversity of America. As the country becomes more diverse, so too does its national pastime.


In conclusion, the answer to how many white players are in the NBA is that there are less than 30% ofwhite players in the NBA. This means that there are more than 70% of black players in the NBA.

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