How Many Years Does the Average NBA Player Play?

How many years does the average NBA player play? The answer may surprise you. The average NBA player plays for just over four years.

How Many Years Does the Average NBA Player Play?


The average NBA player plays for about 4.8 years, according to a recent study. The study, which was conducted by the website FiveThirtyEight, looked at data from the past 20 years to come up with its estimate.

The average career length of an NBA player has been on the decline in recent years. In the 1990s, players tended to play for about 6.5 years, on average. That number dropped to 5.6 years in the 2000s, and it has continued to fall since then.

One reason for the decline is that players are leaving college earlier and entering the NBA draft sooner. In the 1990s, only about a third of players in the NBA were drafted out of college; now, that number is closer to 60 percent.

Another reason is that players are getting injured more often. Injuries can obviously shorten a player’s career, and they seem to be becoming more common in the NBA. One study found that the rate of injuries increased by about 22 percent between 2005 and 2015.

All of this means that the average NBA career is shorter than it used to be. If you’re a fan of a particular player, you might want to enjoy watching them while you can—chances are they won’t be around for too long.

The data

The average NBA player plays for about 4.8 years before being released or retiring, according to data from FiveThirtyEight. The data also shows that the average player’s career lasts about 5.6 years if they’re lucky enough to stick around long enough to get a second contract.

The average

Over the course of an NBA career, the average player can expect to play for about 4.8 years. However, the distribution of playing careers is far from normal. The vast majority of players (69%) will play for 3 years or less. Just a small fraction of players (1.2%) will play for 10 or more years.

Here is a look at the distribution of NBA careers by length:


As you can see, the vast majority of NBA careers are relatively short. In fact, the average length of an NBA career has been declining in recent years, as players are increasingly likely to retire early due to injuries or pursue other opportunities outside of basketball.

The outliers

There are a few players that play 10+ years in the NBA, but they are outliers. The average NBA career is 4.8 years. So if a player plays 5 years or more, they’ve played above average.

The conclusion

In conclusion, the average NBA player plays for about 4.8 years. However, there is a lot of variation within this number, as some players play for much longer and some for much shorter periods of time.

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