How Much Did the NFL Pay Colin Kaepernick?

How much did the NFL pay Colin Kaepernick? The answer may surprise you.


In 2014, Colin Kaepernick was an up-and-coming quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers. He had just led the team to the NFC Championship game and was one of the most promising young players in the NFL. But then, during the preseason of the following year, he decided to kneel during the national anthem to protest police brutality and racial inequality.

Many people criticized Kaepernick for his protests, but he continued to do them throughout the 2016 season. After that season, he became a free agent and no team would sign him, seemingly because of his protests. He has not played in the NFL since then.

So how much did the NFL pay Colin Kaepernick? The answer is complicated. He was still under contract with the 49ers for the 2017 season, so they paid him his base salary of $1 million. But after he opted out of his contract, he became a free agent and was no longer under contract with any team. So from 2017 onwards, he has not been receiving any money from the NFL.

How Much the NFL Paid Colin Kaepernick

Colin Kaepernick, the former San Francisco 49ers quarterback, kneeled during the national anthem in 2016 to protest police brutality and racial inequality. His peaceful protest sparked a national conversation about social injustice, and he became a lightning rod for criticism from President Donald Trump and other conservatives. As a result of the backlash, Kaepernick was unable to find a job in the NFL and filed a grievance against the league, accusing team owners of colluding to keep him out of the league. In February 2019, it was reported that the NFL had agreed to pay Kaepernick and fellow player Eric Reid $60 million to settle the grievance.

The Settlement

In February 2019, Colin Kaepernick and Eric Reid reached settlements with the NFL. The terms of the settlement were not disclosed, but it is believed that Kaepernick was paid less than $10 million.

The Details of the Settlement

On February 15th, 2019 it was revealed that Colin Kaepernick and Eric Reid had settled their collusion grievances against the NFL for an undisclosed amount. The two former San Francisco 49ers had accused the league of blackballing them for kneeling during the national anthem in protest of police brutality and racial inequality.

Kaepernick had been a free agent since opting out of his contract with the 49ers in 2017, and Reid became a free agent after the 2018 season. They both filed separate collusion grievances against the NFL in October of 2017, which were eventually merged.

The terms of the settlement are confidential, but ESPN’s Adam Schefter reports that it “is believed to be considerably less” than if they had gone to trial and won. In February 2019, a trial date was set for December 2019.

How the NFL Paid Colin Kaepernick

Colin Kaepernick, the former San Francisco 49ers quarterback, reached a settlement with the National Football League on Friday, according to a person briefed on the matter. The settlement ends a collusion grievance that Kaepernick filed against the N.F.L. in October 2017. He had accused the league and its teams of colluding to keep him out of the league because of his protests against racial injustice.

The Check

In 2017, the NFL paid Colin Kaepernick a check for $1 million to “settle a collusion grievance.” Kaepernick alleged that the NFL conspired to keep him out of the league after he knelt during the national anthem to protest police brutality and racial injustice.

The amount of the Check

The amount of the check that the NFL wrote to Colin Kaepernick was for $1 million. The NFL has a history of giving out large settlements to players who have been injured in the course of playing football. In this case, it is likely that the NFL saw an opportunity to settle with Kaepernick before he had a chance to file a lawsuit against the league.

How Much Did the NFL Pay Colin Kaepernick?

The National Football League has been embroiled in a bit of controversy lately after it was revealed that they had paid former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick less than a million dollars for his silence on the issue of player protests during the National Anthem.

The Final Answer

In the end, the NFL paid Colin Kaepernick $1 million to settle a collusion grievance he filed against the league.

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