How Much Did The NFL Give To BLM?

The National Football League has been a major supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement, donating millions of dollars to the cause. But how much did the NFL actually give to BLM? We did some research to find out.

How Much Did The NFL Give To BLM?


Since the death of George Floyd, the NFL has pledged $250 million to social justice causes. Of that sum, $150 million will go to Inspire Change, the NFL’s social justice initiative launched in partnership with the Players Coalition. The other $100 million will be donated to other causes through grants.

The NFL and BLM

The National Football League (NFL) has been one of the most vocal supporters of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. In the wake of the death of George Floyd, the league released a statement saying, “We, the NFL, condemn racism and systematic oppression of black people. We, the NFL, admit we were wrong for not listening to NFL players earlier and encourage all to speak out and peacefully protest. We, the NFL, believe Black Lives Matter.”

In addition to releasing this statement, the NFL also pledged $250 million over ten years to “support programs to address police brutality and support the development of strong bonds between law enforcement and communities of color.”

How Much Did The NFL Give To BLM?

Since the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25th, the NFL has been under immense pressure to take a stand against police brutality and systemic racism. In the past, the league has been reluctant to wade into social issues, but in the wake of nationwide protests, it appears that they are finally beginning to listen to their players and fans.

On June 5th, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell released a statement admitting that “we were wrong for not listening to NFL players earlier” and vowing to “support [them] in their efforts to drive real change.” He also announced that the league would be donating $250 million to “various organizations to support social justice causes.”

While this is a significant amount of money, some have questioned whether it is enough, given the league’s immense wealth and power. Others have praised the NFL for taking a stand and hope that this donation will be just the beginning of their commitment to combatting racism.

Whatever your opinion on the matter, there’s no doubt that the NFL’s decision to donate to BLM is a major step forward in the fight for social justice.


The NFL gave $20 million dollars to the Black Lives Matter foundation. They also created a social justice committee that is made up of NFL executives and players. The committee will work on “issues of police accountability, criminal justice reform, and racial equality.”

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