How Much Do NFL Players Make Per Year?

How much do NFL players make per year? It’s a question that many fans have, and one that we’ll attempt to answer in this blog post. We’ll look at the average salary of NFL players, as well as some of the highest-paid players in the league.

NFL Players Salaries

The average salary of an NFL player increased by 5.3 percent in 2017 to $2.1 million. The average salary of a player in their first four years (rookie contract) is $1.02 million. The median salary for all NFL players is $860,000. How do these salaries compare to other professional athletes?

Minimum Salary

The NFL minimum salary for a player in 2020 is $610,000, a slight increase from the 2019 minimum of $585,000. Players at the bottom of NFL rosters will earn the league minimum. These are typically young players or veterans with minimal experience. The league minimum salary increases each year as the cost of living and average player salary goes up. Players can earn more money through bonuses and other incentive-based pay. For example, players can receive a bonus for being selected to the Pro Bowl or named to an All-Pro team.

Average Salary

The average NFL player salary in 2020 is $2.7 million per year, which is an increase from the 2019 average salary of $2.6 million. The 2020 average salary is the highest it has ever been and is a result of the new NFL collective bargaining agreement that was signed in March of 2020. This new CBA increased player salaries by nearly $100 million per year over the previous CBA, which was signed in 2011.

There are 53 active roster spots on an NFL team and each team has a salary cap that they cannot exceed. In 2020, the NFL salary cap is $198.2 million per team. This means that the average salary of an NFL player is just over 5% of the team’s salary cap. The highest-paid NFL player in 2020 is Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson, who has a base salary of $35 million and a signing bonus of $65 million for a total annual compensation package of $140 million.

Maximum Salary

The maximum amount of money that a player can make in a season is $17.6 million. This includes a base salary of $5 million, a signing bonus of $5 million, and various other bonuses and incentives that can total up to $7.6 million.

How NFL Players’ Salaries Are Determined

The National Football League (NFL) is a professional American football league. NFL players’ salaries are determined by a variety of factors, including experience, performance, and the team’s salary cap. In this article, we’ll take a look at how NFL players’ salaries are determined.

Rookie Salary Cap

The NFL’s salary cap per team for the 2019 season is $188.2 million, an increase of about $11 million from last year. Each team must stay under or equal to this amount while constructing its roster. The salary cap is calculated as a percentage of the NFL’s total revenue from the previous year. This amount is then divided equally among the 32 teams.

One way that NFL teams stay under the salary cap is by having a lower salary for players who have not yet accrued a full season of NFL experience, commonly referred to as rookies. Rookies are also subject to a “rookie wage scale” which dictates how much they can make in their first NFL contract. For example, the first overall pick in the 2019 NFL Draft, Kyler Murray, can sign a four-year contract with the Arizona Cardinals worth up to $35 million, with a $23.58 million signing bonus. On the other hand, Mr. Irrelevant, the last pick in the draft (in this case, choose Baylor University linebackerKalen Ballage), can sign a four-year contract worth up to $2.7 million with no signing bonus. In total, Murray can earn about 13 times more than Ballage in his first NFL contract.

Veteran Minimum Salary Benefit

All NFL players are paid according to a set of rules laid out in the league’s collective bargaining agreement (CBA). One of the key provisions in the CBA is the veteran minimum salary benefit, which guarantees that veterans will be paid no less than a certain amount each year.

The veteran minimum salary benefit is calculated using a formula that takes into account the number of years a player has been in the league, their age, and the salary cap for that season. For example, in 2019, the veteran minimum salary for a player with two years of experience was $785,000. However, if that same player was aged 30 or over, their veteran minimum salary would increase to $925,000.

The veteran minimum salary benefit is an important part of the NFL’s pay structure because it ensures that older, more experienced players are not forced out of the league by younger, cheaper players. It also ensures that players who have been in the league for a long time are not unduly penalized when it comes to their salaries.

Salary Floor

The NFL’s salary floor is the minimum amount of money that teams must spend on player salaries each year. For example, for the 2020 season, the salary floor was set at $175 million. That means that each team in the NFL had to spend at least $175 million on player salaries for that season.

The salary floor is important because it helps to ensure that all teams in the NFL are competitive. If one team is spending significantly less than another team, they would have a significant competitive advantage. The salary floor helps to level the playing field by ensuring that all teams are spending a minimum amount on player salaries.

The salary floor is set by the NFL each year and is based on a number of factors, including league revenue, player costs, and other expenses. The NFL typically announces the salary floor for the upcoming season in late spring or early summer.

How Do NFL Players’ Salaries Compare to Other Athletes?

The average NFL player salary is $2.7 million per year, which is the highest of any professional sport. quarterbacks and running backs are the highest paid position, followed by wide receivers, defensive backs, and then all other positions. How does this compare to other professional athletes?


The average NBA salary is $7.7 million per year as of 2017. The maximum salary for an NBA player is $30 million per year, while the minimum salary is $507,336 per year. NBA players make a median salary of $2.9 million per year. Salaries for NBA players range from $507,336 to over $30 million per year.


While the average salary for an MLB player is $4 million, the median salary is just $2.5 million. That means half of all MLB players make less than $2.5 million per year and half make more. The minimum salary for an MLB player is $545,000, while the highest-paid player in the league, Mike Trout, makes $37.7 million per year.


NHL players make an average of $2.9 million per year, which is less than what NFL players make on average.

How Do NFL Players’ Salaries Compare to Other Professionals?


In the United States, doctors are some of the highest-paid professionals. According to Business Insider, the average salary for a doctor is $313,000 per year. This figure does not include bonus income, which can increase a doctor’s earnings by tens of thousands of dollars per year. In comparison, the average salary for an NFL player is $2 million per year. While NFL players do not earn as much as doctors, they still earn significantly more than the average American worker, who earns a salary of $50,000 per year.


Lawyers are among the highest paid professionals in the United States. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for lawyers was $120,910 as of May 2019. The top 10 percent of earners in this field made $208,000 or more per year, while the bottom 10 percent earned $54,530 or less.

NFL players are compensated handsomely for their services, but their earnings still pale in comparison to those of lawyers. The average salary for an NFL player was $2.7 million per year as of 2019, according to Spotrac. The highest-paid player in the league was Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson, who earned an annual salary of $35 million.

Business Executives

In general, NFL players’ salaries are much higher than the salaries of business executives. However, this does not mean that all NFL players earn more money than all business executives. For example, a business executive with many years of experience may earn a higher salary than a NFL player just starting out in his career.

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