How Much Do Esports Players Practice?

A new study sheds light on how much time professional esports players really dedicate to practicing their craft.

How Much Do Professional Esports Players Practice?

depending on the game, most professional esports players practice between 3 to 6 hours a day. Some play even more. It’s not like traditional sports where there are set seasons. Many esports games are played year-round. For professional gamers, this means they need to be in top shape and condition year-round as well. How do they do it? Let’s take a look at how much professional esports players practice.

The Amount of Time Spent Practicing Varies by Game

The amount of time that professional esports players spend practicing varies by game. For example, players of first-person shooter (FPS) games such as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) and Overwatch typically practice for several hours per day, while players of real-time strategy (RTS) games such as StarCraft II may only practice for a few hours per week.

In general, the more complex the game is, the more time players will need to spend practicing. For example, League of Legends is a fairly complex game with a large number of playable characters, each of which has unique abilities and strengths. As a result, professional League of Legends players typically spend several hours per day practicing.

The amount of time that professional esports players spend practicing also varies by skill level. For example, players who are just starting out in the competitive scene may only practice for a few hours per week, while more experienced players may practice for several hours per day. The amount of time that top-tier players spend practicing also varies by game; some top-tier CS:GO players practice for up to 12 hours per day, while others may only practice for 6-8 hours per day.

The Amount of Time Spent Practicing Also Varies by Player

The amount of time that professional esports players spend practicing also varies by player. Some players may practice for several hours each day, while others may only practice for a few hours each week. The amount of time that a player spends practicing also depends on the game they are playing. For example, a player who is trying to improve their skills in a first-person shooter game may need to spend more time practicing than a player who is trying to improve their skills in a strategy game.

How Much Should You Practice Esports?

According to, the average League of Legends pro spends between 3 and 5 hours a day practicing. This may seem like a lot, but it’s actually not that different from traditional sports. For example, Tennis legend Roger Federer practices for 5 hours a day.

It Depends on the Game

The amount of practice required to be good at an esports game depends on the game. Some games, like first-person shooters (FPS) and real-time strategy (RTS) games, require split-second reactions and strategic thinking. These games are generally harder to learn than games that don’t require as much hand-eye coordination or quick thinking. As a result, players of these types of games generally need to practice more than players of other types of games.

Other games, like massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs), don’t require as much quick thinking or hand-eye coordination. However, MMORPGs often have a lot of complicated game mechanics that take time to learn. As a result, players of these types of games often need to put in more hours of practice than players of other types of games.

The bottom line is that there is no set amount of time that you need to practice an esports game in order to be good at it. The amount of time that you need to practice will depend on the game that you’re playing and your own personal skill level.

It Also Depends on You

It also depends on you. If you’re the kind of person who can just sit down and play for hours on end without getting too tired, then you’ll probably be able to get away with playing a bit less. But if you find that you get easily fatigued or lose focus after playing for a while, then you’ll probably need to practice more in order to be successful in esports.

How to Make the Most of Your Practice Time

The amount of time that professional esports players practice has increased drastically over the years. Players used to only practice for a couple of hours a day, but now they are practicing for up to 12 hours a day. This is because the competition has gotten so much more fierce. In order to make the most of your practice time, you need to have a plan.

Make a Schedule

It can be tempting to just jump into practicing whenever you have some free time, but without structure, you probably won’t get the most out of your time. The best way to make sure you’re making the most of your practice time is to set a schedule and stick to it.

Sit down and figure out how many hours you can realistically commit to practicing each day or week. Then, try to practice for at least that amount of time every day or week. If you can’t commit to practicing for a set amount of time each day or week, try to at least practice for a set amount of time each month.

Also, make sure to leave some wiggle room in your schedule in case you want or need to practice for longer than you originally planned. You never know when you’re going to have a great practice session where everything just clicks and you don’t want to stop.

Set Goals

When it comes to practice, setting goals is crucial. If you don’t know what you’re trying to achieve, it’s difficult to measure your progress and figure out how to improve.

Your goals should be specific, achievable and tied to a timeframe. For example, a goal might be to win 50 percent of your matches in the next month, or to raise your ranking in a particular game by one tier within three months.

To ensure your goals are achievable, it’s important to break them down into smaller steps that you can complete on a daily or weekly basis. For example, if your goal is to raise your ranking in a game by one tier within three months, break that down into an average of 10 wins per week.

It’s also important that you have some way of measuring your progress. This could be something as simple as keeping track of your wins and losses, or it could involve recording and analyzing your gameplay footage.

Find a Practice Partner

Few things will improve your game faster than finding a regular practice partner. A good practice partner will be slightly better than you, so they can push you to get better. They should also live close enough to you that practicing together is feasible. If you can’t find a regular practice partner, try to at least find someone to play with online who meets the above criteria.


So how much do esports players practice? It depends on the game, the team, the player, and other factors. But in general, pro gamers tend to practice for several hours a day, often in addition to other activities like streaming or content creation. The best way to improve at any game is to practice consistently and learn from your mistakes.

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