How Much Do NBA Executives Make?

No matter how much the average person knows about the NBA, it’s always fascinating to find out how much the league’s executives make. Here’s a look at the salaries of some of the top NBA executives.

How Much Do NBA Executives Make?


In today’s NBA, it’s not just the players who are making a lot of money. Team executives are also raking in huge salaries, with some of them even earning more than the players themselves.

So just how much do NBA executives make? We took a look at the most recent data to find out.

According to Forbes, the average NBA team is now worth $1.9 billion. And as you might expect, the teams that are worth the most are also the ones that spend the most on their executives.

The Los Angeles Lakers, for example, have an executive payroll of $29 million per year. That’s more than double the league average of $13 million.

The New York Knicks aren’t far behind, with an executive payroll of $28 million per year. And at $27 million per year, the Golden State Warriors round out the top three.

So what do all these executives actually do to earn their big salaries? Well, it varies from team to team. But in general, they’re responsible for everything from managing the team’s finances to scouting new talent to handling media relations.

And as you might expect, it’s the teams with the biggest budgets that tend to have the most staff and the highest-paid executives. The Lakers, for example, have a total of 17 executives on their front office staff. The Warriors have 16, and the Knicks have 15.

Of course, not all teams are worth billions of dollars. And not all teams can afford to spend millions on their executives. But even teams that are worth less than $1 billion (such as the Charlotte Hornets and Sacramento Kings) still spend an average of $8 million per year on their front office staffs.

What Do NBA Executives Do?

NBA executives are the people who run the show. They are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the team and work to put together the best possible team each season. They also work on long-term projects such as stadium construction and renovations, marketing initiatives, and community outreach programs. In short, they are responsible for the business side of the NBA. So, how much do they make?

General Manager

The GM is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the team. They hire the head coach, they manage player personnel, they negotiate contracts. In short, if it has anything to do with the team, the GM is in charge.

The average salary for an NBA GM is around $2 million per year, but the top executives can make much more. For example, Steve Ballmer, the current owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, was previously the CEO of Microsoft. He is one of the richest men in the world and often pays himself a salary in excess of $10 million per year.

Team President

The team president is responsible for the overall operation of the franchise. He or she works closely with the general manager on personnel matters, but has the final say on all decisions. The team president is also responsible for the business side of the franchise, such as marketing, ticket sales and sponsorship agreements. In some cases, the team president may also be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the arena or stadium.

The team president typically reports to the owner of the franchise, and is one of the highest-paid executives in the NBA. In addition to their base salary, they may also receive a bonus based on the performance of the team. For example, they may receive a bonus if the team reaches the playoffs, or if they win a championship.

Head Coach

The head coach is responsible for the overall operation of the team on and off the court. He or she works closely with the general manager to ensure that the team is operating within the salary cap, and he or she also works with the owner to develop a long-term vision for the team. The head coach also manages player personnel, including scouting and recruiting, and he or she is responsible for game strategy. In some cases, the head coach may also serve as the general manager.

How Much Do NBA Executives Make?

expected to bring in between $5 million and $10 million a year. That’s a pretty big range, but it gives you an idea of what these guys are making. So, how do they make this much money?

General Manager

The average annual salary of an NBA general manager is approximately $2.5 million, according to a 2012 report by Mike Ozanian of Forbes. This can range significantly depending on the specific responsibilities of the GM as well as the market size and revenue of the team. For example, the GMs of the New York Knicks and Los Angeles Lakers are each reported to make over $5 million per year, while small-market teams like the Indiana Pacers may have GMs who make less than half that amount.

Team President

The average team president in the NBA makes $4 million per year, according to a 2017 report from Forbes. That’s more than double what the average NFL team president makes and almost triple what the average MLB team president earns.

The highest-paid NBA team president is Pat Riley of the Miami Heat, who makes an annual salary of $10 million. He is followed by Mitch Kupchak of the Los Angeles Lakers ($6 million), andmark Cuban of the Dallas Mavericks ($5 million).

Head Coach

The average head coach in the NBA makes around $6 million per year, with some coaches making as much as $10 million or more. NBA executives make significantly more than head coaches, however, with many of them earning eight-figure salaries.

The highest-paid executive in the NBA is likely to be the commissioner, who is responsible for the overall operation of the league. The commissioner is also the face of the league, and he or she is involved in all major decisions, including approving new expansion teams and negotiating television contracts. The current commissioner, Adam Silver, is believed to be making around $20 million per year.


In conclusion, NBA executives make a lot of money. The average salary for an NBA executive is $5 million per year. However, there is a wide range of salaries, with some executives making much more than the average and some making much less.

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