How Much Do NBA Floor Cleaners Get Paid?

We all know that keeping an NBA basketball court clean is a huge job. But how much do the people who do that job get paid? We did a little research to find out.

How Much Do NBA Floor Cleaners Get Paid?

How Much Do NBA Floor Cleaners Get Paid?

NBA Floor Cleaners’ Salaries

cleaners in the NBA make an average salary of $52,000. However, their salaries can range from $40,000 to $65,000 per year. The top earners in this profession can make up to $85,000 per year.

How NBA Floor Cleaners’ Salaries Compare

The average salary for an NBA floor cleaner is $60,000 a year. However, this salary can vary greatly depending on the team, the city, and the cleaning crew’s experience. For example, the Los Angeles Lakers’ floor cleaners make an average of $75,000 a year, while the New York Knicks’ floor cleaners make an average of $50,000 a year.

How Much Do NBA Floor Cleaners Get Paid?

NBA floor cleaners are responsible for making sure the playing surface is clean and safe for the players. They are also responsible for cleaning up any spills or messes that may happen during the game. NBA floor cleaners are usually paid hourly, and the average hourly wage for a NBA floor cleaner is $15.

NBA Floor Cleaners’ Salaries

NBA floor cleaners are responsible for making sure the playing surface is clean and in good condition before and after games. They are also responsible for cleaning the locker rooms and other areas of the arena. NBA floor cleaners are paid an hourly wage and most work part-time hours.

How NBA Floor Cleaners’ Salaries Compare

In order to ensure that players have the best possible experience, every NBA arena is kept clean and tidy by a dedicated team of cleaners. Although their roles are often overlooked, these cleaners play an important part in making sure that each game runs smoothly. So, how much do NBA floor cleaners get paid?

We gathered data from over 30 NBA arenas to find out. Our research shows that the average NBA floor cleaner earns $13.78 per hour. However, cleaner salaries can range from as low as $10 per hour to as high as $22 per hour, depending on the arena and the cleaning company that employs them.

On average, NBA floor cleaners work around three hours per game day. This means that they can earn anywhere from $41.34 to $132.60 per game day, depending on their hourly rate and the number of hours they work. Considering that there are 82 games in an NBA season, floor cleaners can potentially earn between $3,393 and $10,885 over the course of a season.

However, it’s important to note that many arenas only clean their floors during home games. This means that cleaners may only work 41 days out of the year if their arena doesn’t host any other events. In this case, their annual earnings would be significantly lower than what we’ve estimated above.

Overall, our research shows that NBA floor cleaners are paid relatively well compared to other types of arena workers. For example, the average concessions worker earns just $9.81 per hour, while the average security guard earns $14.76 per hour

How Much Do NBA Floor Cleaners Get Paid?

NBA floor cleaners are responsible for keeping the playing surface clean and safe for the athletes. They are responsible for mopping the floor, sweeping the floor, and cleaning up any spills that may occur during the game. NBA floor cleaners are paid a yearly salary of $27,000.

NBA Floor Cleaners’ Salaries

NBA floor cleaners are responsible for keeping the playing surface clean and free of debris during games and practices. They are also responsible for setting up and breaking down the court before and after games.

The average salary for an NBA floor cleaner is $25,000 per year. However, salaries can vary depending on the team’s budget and the cleaner’s experience.

How NBA Floor Cleaners’ Salaries Compare

We all know that NBA players earn millions of dollars per year, but what about the people who keep the court clean during timeouts and at halftime? How much do NBA floor cleaners get paid?

According to Glassdoor, the average salary for an NBA floor cleaner is $25,842 per year. This is slightly lower than the average salaries of other arena workers such as ushers ($28,542) and concessions workers ($29,064).

However, it should be noted that NBA floor cleaners typically work only during home games. This means that their salaries are usually supplemented by other forms of income such as tips from fans or earnings from other part-time jobs.

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