How Much Do NFL Announcers Make?

How much do NFL announcers make? According to a report from Forbes, the average salary for an NFL announcer is $75,000 per year.

How Much Do NFL Announcers Make?


TV announcers for NFL games are some of the highest-paid broadcasters in all of sports. According to a report from Forbes, the average salary for an NFL TV announcer is $500,000 per year.

This figure includes both play-by-play announcers and color commentators. Fox Sports pays its top NFL announcer, Joe Buck, an annual salary of $6 million. CBS’s Jim Nantz is not far behind at $5 million per year.

NBC’s Al Michaels is the highest-paid broadcaster in all of sports, with an annual salary of $7 million. However, most of that money comes from his work on Sunday Night Football, not Thursday Night Football.

ESPN’s Monday Night Football broadcast team of Sean McDonough and Jon Gruden is the highest-paid tandem in the NFL, with each reportedly making $4 million per year.

How Much Do NFL Announcers Make?

NFL announcers are some of the highest-paid announcers in all of sports. They often make more than the athletes they are broadcasting about. According to Business Insider, the top NFL announcers can make up to $17 million per year. So, how much do NFL announcers make? Keep reading to find out.


How much do NFL announcers make? The answer, like with most things related to sports broadcasting, depends on a number of factors.

For starters, it’s important to distinguish between the various types of NFL announcers. There are those who work as part of the broadcast teams for specific NFL franchises. These announcers typically have other duties with the team, such as serving as color commentators or sideline reporters. Then there are those who work as part of the broadcast teams for the NFL’s national television partners – CBS, FOX, and ESPN. These announcers typically don’t have any other responsibilities with any particular team.

The salaries for NFL franchise broadcasters can vary widely, depending on the size of the market in which the team is located and how successful the team has been in recent years. For example, the top play-by-play announcers for teams in large markets like New York and Los Angeles can earn upwards of $1 million per year. On the other hand, announcers for teams in smaller markets may only make a few hundred thousand dollars per year.

As for those who work on the national level, their salaries are generally much higher than those paid to franchise broadcasters. For example, Jim Nantz – one of CBS’s most prominent voices – reportedly earns around $5 million per year. Joe Buck – FOX’s lead announcer – is believed to be in a similar salary range. And it’s believed that ESPN pays its top play-by-play announcer, Sean McDonough, somewhere in the neighborhood of $4 million per year.


In addition to their salary, NFL announcers receive bonuses for every game they announce. The bonus varies depending on the station, but it is typically between $500 and $1,000 per game.

How Much Do NFL Announcers Make?

NFL announcers make a lot of money. The average salary for an NFL commentator is $75,000 per year, but the top commentators make over $1 million per year. NFL commentators make more money than the average person, but they also have a lot of experience and education.


The best-paid NFL announcers, as of 2010, were Al Michaels and John Madden, who earned $8 million per year from ABC and NBC for “Monday Night Football” and Sunday afternoon games, respectively. Joe Buck earned $6 million from Fox for working Sunday afternoon National Football Conference games. Dick Stockton and James Brown both earned $4 million from Fox for their jobs as play-by-play announcers on Sunday afternoons.


In addition to their salary, NFL announcers may also receive bonuses for things like working the Super Bowl or other high-profile games, or for long tenure with a team or network. Bonuses can add up to tens of thousands of dollars per year, and in some cases may even exceed an announcer’s base salary.


In conclusion, NFL announcers make a pretty decent salary. The median salary is around $75,000 per year, and the top earners make upwards of $200,000 per year. Of course, these salaries will vary depending on experience and location, but overall, it’s a pretty good gig!

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