How Much Do NFL Chain Gang Members Make?

If you’re interested in how much NFL chain gang members make, you’re in luck. We’ve got all the details on their salaries right here.

How Much Do NFL Chain Gang Members Make?


Welcome to our guide on how much NFL chain gang members make. Chain gangs are the groups of people who handle the down and distance markers, as well as the yard markers, during NFL games. These dedicated workers are behind-the-scenes members of the game day experience, and they play an important role in ensuring that the game runs smoothly.

NFL chain gang members are paid hourly, and their pay is based on the length of the game. For a typical three-hour game, chain gang members will make around $180. However, their pay can range from $100 to $350 depending on the game’s overtime period and other factors.

While NFL chain gang members don’t get many perks, they do get to experience the excitement of being involved in America’s most popular sport. If you’re interested in becoming an NFL chain gang member, read on for more information about what the job entails and how to apply.

What is the NFL Chain Gang?

The NFL Chain Gang is a group of officials who are responsible for measuring the distance of the football field during a game. These officials are also responsible for resetting the chains after each play. The chain gang is typically made up of four officials, but can vary depending on the league and game rules.

So how much do these officials make? According to Glassdoor, the average salary for an NFL official is $173,000 per year. However, it’s important to note that this figure does not include benefits or bonuses. So while we can’t say for sure how much chain gang members make, we can estimate that their salaries are likely in line with other NFL officials.

How Much Do Chain Gang Members Make?

Chain gang members are a vital part of any NFL game, responsible for ensuring the smooth flow of play by measuring first downs and keeping track of the game clock. But how much do these unsung heroes of the gridiron earn for their efforts?

Unfortunately, there is no set salary for chain gang members, and pay can vary greatly from team to team and even from game to game. While most chain gang members are paid hourly, some may receive a per-game or per-season stipend instead. In some cases, chain gang members may even be volunteers who do not receive any compensation for their time.

So how much do NFL chain gangs really make? It’s hard to say for sure, but it’s safe to assume that they don’t earn nearly as much as the players they help keep track of.

Who are the Chain Gang Members?

They are the unsung heroes of every NFL game. They measure first downs, keep the game clock running and help ensure that each team has 11 players on the field. They are the members of the chain gang, and they play a vital role in making sure that every NFL game runs smoothly.

So, how much do these hard-working individuals make? Unfortunately, there is no set salary for chain gang members. Their pay is determined by the team they work for and can vary greatly from one team to another. In some cases, chain gang members may even be volunteers who do not receive any pay for their work.

While we may not know exactly how much they make, we do know that the members of the chain gang play an important role in making sure that every NFL game is a success.

What are the Duties of the Chain Gang?

In every NFL game, there are officials who work on the sidelines to measure first downs and mark the spot of the ball after each play. These officials are members of the chain gang. The chain gang consists of two sideline officials and two members of the field crew.

The duties of the chain gang are to set up the 10-yard chains that measure first downs, and to mark the spot of the ball after each play. They also keep track of timeouts and substitutions, and they signal to the referee when a team has broken one of the rules.

Chain gang members are paid $50 per game, which comes out to $1,000 per season. They are not paid for preseason or postseason games.

How to Become a Chain Gang Member

The chain gang is the group of people who move the markers on the field during an American football game. They are also responsible for other equipment as well, such as the down box and yard sticks. The members of the chain gang usually wear white shirts and black pants, and they are often referred to as the “white hats”.

Chain gang members are typically recruited from the local community, and they usually have some experience with football. Some high schools have programs that allow students to serve on the chain gang as a way to get involved with the sport. There are also some college programs that provide students with an opportunity to work on the chain gang.

The pay for chain gang members varies depending on the level of football, but it is typically between $50 and $100 per game. Some NFL teams also offer bonuses for playoff games or special events.


In conclusion, NFL chain gang members make a significant amount of money. However, their salaries vary depending on their experience and position. In most cases, NFL chain gang members make between $50,000 and $60,000 per year.

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