How Much Do NFL Kickers Make?

How much do NFL kickers make? Here’s a look at the average salaries for NFL kickers, as well as the highest-paid kickers in the league.

How Much Do NFL Kickers Make?

The average salary for an NFL kicker is $2.6 million per year. However, the highest-paid kicker in the NFL, Sebastian Janikowski, makes an annual salary of $4 million. Kickers who are just starting out in the NFL can make a salary of $2 million per year.

The average salary of an NFL kicker

The average salary of an NFL kicker is $1.64 million per year. Kickers are the lowest-paid position in the NFL, with a median salary of $690,000. The top 10 percent of kickers make an average of $2.9 million per year, while the bottom 10 percent make an average of $48,000 per year.

The highest-paid NFL kicker

According to, the highest-paid NFL kicker in 2020 is Baltimore Ravens kicker Justin Tucker, who has an annual salary of $5.6 million. New Orleans Saints kicker Wil Lutz is second on the list with an annual salary of $3.5 million, while Tampa Bay Buccaneers kicker Ryan Succop is third with an annual salary of $2.75 million.

The lowest-paid NFL kicker

Kickers in the National Football League (NFL) earn an average annual salary of $1.47 million, as of 2010. The highest-paid NFL kicker is the New England Patriots’ Stephen Gostkowski, who earned an annual salary of $4.3 million in 2010.

Unlike other positions in the NFL, where salaries increase as a player’s experience and productivity grow, kickers’ salaries tend to remain relatively static throughout their careers. In 2010, the average salary for a ten-year veteran kicker was $1.51 million — only slightly higher than the league average. This lack of salary growth is due in part to the fact that NFL teams often sign young, unproven kickers to low-salary contracts, betting that they will improve with experience. If a team’s starting kicker outperforms expectations, he is often rewarded with a contract extension that pays him significantly more than the league average. If he underperforms, however, he may be quickly replaced by a cheaper option.

As a result of this dynamic, veteran kickers tend to be some of the lowest-paid players in the NFL. In 2010, for example, veteran Tampa Bay Buccaneers kicker Matt Bryant was paid an annual salary of just $810,000 — less than half the league average.

How Do NFL Kickers’ Salaries Compare to Other Positions?

NFL kickers make a lot of money. In fact, they are paid more than any other position in the NFL, except for quarterbacks. NFL kickers’ salariesaverage around $2.6 million per year, which is more than double the average salary for all other NFL positions.

The average salary of an NFL player

The average salary of an NFL player is $2.1 million per year, but the median salary is only $860,000 per year. This means that half of the NFL players make more than $860,000 per year and half make less. The top 25 percent of NFL players make an average of $3.2 million per year, while the bottom 25 percent make an average of $1 million per year.

NFL kickers make a median salary of $1.56 million per year, which is slightly lower than the average salary for all NFL players. However, kickers do make more than players at some other positions. For example, the median salary for quarterbacks is $1.4 million per year, while the median salary for running backs is $1 million per year.

The average salary of an NFL quarterback

The average salary of an NFL quarterback is $2.7 million, but the median salary for quarterbacks is $820,000. This means that half of all quarterbacks in the NFL make more than $820,000 and half make less. The median salary for all NFL players is $860,000, which means that quarterbacks make more than the average player but not as much as the highest-paid players in the league.

Kickers are among the lowest-paid players in the NFL, with a median salary of just $370,000. This means that half of all kickers in the NFL make less than $370,000 and half make more. The average salary for all NFL players is $2 million, so kickers make less than the average player but more than the median player.

The average salary of an NFL wide receiver

The average salary of an NFL player is $2.1 million per year, but that number varies widely depending on position. The average salary for a wide receiver is $3.3 million per year, while the average salary for a kicker is just $870,000 per year.

So, while kickers do not make as much money as other positions, they still make a decent salary. And, considering that most NFL players only have a career span of 3-4 years, kickers can make quite a bit of money over the course of their careers.

How Do NFL Kickers’ Salaries Compare to Other Sports?

NFL kickers make a lot of money. In fact, they are some of the highest-paid athletes in the world. However, how do their salaries compare to other sports? Let’s take a look.

The average salary of an MLB player

The average MLB player made $4.47 million in 2019, according to Spotrac, an online website that tracks sports contracts and salaries. That’s up from $4.38 million in 2018 and $3.82 million in 2017. The highest-paid player in baseball is Los Angeles Angels outfielder Mike Trout, who will make $37.67 million in 2019. The lowest-paid player is Detroit Tigers outfielder JaCoby Jones, who will make the league minimum of $555,000 this season.

The average salary of an NBA player

The average salary of an NBA player is $7.7 million per year. The average salary of an NFL player is $2.1 million per year.

The average salary of an NHL player

NHL players earn an average salary of $2.87 million per year, which is the highest among the major professional sports leagues in North America. NFL players earn an average salary of $1.9 million, while MLB players earn an average salary of $3.2 million.

How Do NFL Kickers’ Salaries Compare to Other Countries?

NFL kickers make a lot of money compared to the average person. In fact, the average NFL kicker makes $2.4 million dollars per year, which is more than four times the median salary in the United States. When you compare that to other countries,NFL kickers make a lot more money.

The average salary of a soccer player in England

The average salary of a soccer player in England is around $50,000 a year. In comparison, the average salary of an NFL kicker is around $2.6 million a year.

The average salary of a soccer player in Spain

As of 2019, the average salary for a soccer player in Spain is $52,000 per year. This is significantly lower than the average salary of an NFL kicker, which is $2.4 million per year. However, it should be noted that the average salary of a soccer player in Spain may be skewed by the fact that many players are semi-professional or amateur.

The average salary of a soccer player in Brazil

In Brazil, the minimum wage is currently R$1,045 per month. A recent study by the International Centre for Sports Studies (CIES) found that the average salary of a professional soccer player in Brazil’s top division is R$39,475 per month, or $474,700 per year. That means the average Brazilian soccer player earns 38 times the minimum wage.

In comparison, the average salary of an NFL kicker is $1.64 million per year. That means the average NFL kicker earns 3,471 times the minimum wage in Brazil. In other words, an NFL kicker earns about nine times as much as the average Brazilian soccer player.

So why do NFL kickers make so much more money than their counterparts in Brazil? There are a few factors that contribute to this discrepancy.

First of all, soccer is far more popular in Brazil than American football. The Brazilian national team is one of the most successful in the world, and Brazilian soccer leagues are some of the most competitive and well-regarded. As a result, there is more money available to be paid to players in Brazil than there is in the United States.

Second, NFL teams are limited in how much they can spend on player salaries by a salary cap. This means that teams have to be very strategic about how they allocate their resources and cannot simply outspend other teams when it comes to signing players. In contrast, there is no salary cap in place for Brazilian soccer clubs, so they can spend as much as they want on players’ salaries.

Third, NFL kickers have less job security than their Brazilian counterparts. An NFL kicker can be cut at any time if he misses too many field goals or extra points, and there is always another kicker waiting to take his place on the roster. In contrast, Brazilian soccer clubs tend to be much more patient with their players and are less likely to make sudden changes to their rosters.

Fourth, American football is a much more physical sport than soccer and carries with it a higher risk of injury. This means that NFL kickers’ careers tend to be shorter than those of Brazilian soccer players. As a result, they need to earn as much money as possible while they still can.

All of these factors contribute to the discrepancy in salaries between NFL kickers and Brazilian soccer players. It’s important to remember that these are just averages – some Brazilian soccer players make far more than $474,700 per year while some NFL kickers make far less than $1.64 million per year

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