How Much Do NFL Offensive Coordinators Make?

How much do NFL offensive coordinators make? We break down the average salary and bonuses for this important position.

Salaries of NFL Offensive Coordinators

Compare the salaries of NFL offensive coordinators with those of other professional football coaches. Also, learn how much money these assistant coaches make on average.

Based on experience

In the NFL, offensive coordinators typically make between $500,000 and $2 million per year, depending on experience. The median salary for all offensive coordinators in the NFL was $950,000 in 2017, according to USA Today. The top-paid offensive coordinator in the NFL in 2017 was New England Patriots coordinator Josh McDaniels, who made $2 million.

Based on team’s success

Offensive coordinators typically make salaries in the low to mid six figures, and the top-paid ones can earn salaries upwards of $1 million per year. The median salary for all offensive coordinators was $608,000 in 2017, according to a report from the National Football League Coaches Association. Salaries can vary based on the team’s success, the size of the market and the coordinator’s experience.

Bonuses and Incentives

Most offensive coordinators in the NFL make between $500,000 and $1.5 million per year. Some coordinators make much more than that. For example, in 2018, the coordinator for the Los Angeles Rams made $2.5 million. While bonuses and incentives are not always guaranteed, they can add a significant amount of money to an offensive coordinator’s salary.

Based on team’s performance

In the National Football League (NFL), an offensive coordinator is the coach in charge of the offense. He is responsible for designing plays and game plans and calling offensive plays. The offensive coordinator is often one of the assistant coaches on the head coach’s staff.

NFL teams typically score more points when their offense is performing well, so coordinators may earn bonuses based on their team’s point total. For example, if an NFL team scores 30 or more points in a game, its offensive coordinator may receive a $500 bonus. If the team scores 40 or more points, he may receive a $1,000 bonus. And if the team scores 50 or more points, he could receive a $2,000 bonus.

In addition to bonuses based on team performance, some coordinators may also receive incentive-based pay. This means they would get paid extra money if their team reaches certain milestones, such as winning a divisional title or making the playoffs.

Based on individual player’s performance

In the National Football League, offensive coordinators are paid based on a few different factors. The first is their team’s overall success. If their team does well, they will most likely receive a bonus. Secondly, they are often paid based on the success of individual players. If a player under their guidance performs well, the coordinator may receive a bonus. Finally, coordinators may also receive incentives for things like winning championships or being named Coach of the Year.

Other forms of compensation

Besides their salary, NFL offensive coordinators receive other forms of compensation. They may get a signing bonus when they first join a team. They may also get a bonus if their team makes it to the playoffs or wins the Super Bowl.


In addition to their salary, NFL offensive coordinators may earn extra money from endorsements. An offensive coordinator with a good reputation and winning track record could bring in deals from companies that want him to promote their products. He could also do appearances or commercials for companies, or he could be asked to write a book about his offensive strategies. All of these opportunities would provide extra income for an NFL offensive coordinator.

Speaking engagements

One popular form of supplemental income for NFL offensive coordinators is to give speeches at various events and functions. This can provide a nice chunk of change on top of their regular salary and helps to keep them in the public eye. It also gives them an opportunity to share their knowledge and insights with others who may be interested in learning more about the game of football. Some coordinators may also be asked to write articles or columns for magazines or newspapers, which can further increase their earnings.

Coaching clinics

In addition to their salaries, many NFL offensive coordinators also receive compensation in the form of coaching clinics. These clinics are typically run by the offensive coordinator himself, and they offer other coaches an opportunity to learn from one of the best in the business.

Coaching clinics typically last for a few days, and they usually take place during the off-season. Attendees will pay a fee to attend, and this can add up to a significant amount of money for the offensive coordinator. In some cases, coaching clinics may be held at the team’s facilities, which can also generate income for the team itself.

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