How Much Do NFL Physical Therapists Make?

How much do NFL physical therapists make? According to data from, the average salary for an NFL physical therapist is $85,000 per year.

How Much Do NFL Physical Therapists Make?

Job Description

An NFL physical therapist is responsible for helping injured players heal and return to the playing field as quickly and safely as possible. They work with players of all ages and skill levels to treat a variety of injuries, from chronic pain to sports injuries. NFL physical therapists must have a thorough knowledge of the human body and how it works, as well as the latest rehabilitation techniques.

What responsibilities do NFL physical therapists have?

Physical therapists working in the NFL are responsible for a wide variety of tasks. They may be called upon to:

-Evaluate injured players to determine the best course of treatment
-Design and implement rehabilitation programs for players recovering from injury
-Provide support and guidance to players on how to prevent injuries
-Monitor players during practice and games to identify any potential injuries
-Work with team physicians and other medical staff to develop treatment plans

What education and training is required to become an NFL physical therapist?

A bachelor’s degree in physical therapy (PT) is required to enter the field and all states require licensure. In order to be licensed, PTs must graduate from an accredited PT education program and pass a state-administered exam.

Many PTs go on to earn a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. DPT programs usually take three years to complete and include both classroom and clinical instruction. After completing a DPT program, PTs must pass a state-administered exam to earn licensure as a PT.


According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the median salary for an NFL physical therapist is $85,000 per year. The salary range for an NFL PT can be from $57,000 to $113,000 per year, depending on experience and location. There are a few things that can affect how much an NFL PT makes.

How much do NFL physical therapists make?

The average salary for an NFL physical therapist is $85,000.

How does salary vary by experience and location?

The average salary for an NFL physical therapist is $85,000. However, salaries can vary depending on experience and location. For example, an experienced physical therapist working in New York City may earn a higher salary than a less experienced therapist working in a smaller town.

Job Outlook

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for NFL physical therapists was $85,790 in May 2019. The job outlook for physical therapists is expected to grow by 22 percent from 2018 to 2028, much faster than the average for all occupations.

What is the job outlook for NFL physical therapists?

The job outlook for NFL physical therapists is excellent. Jobs in this field are expected to grow much faster than the average for all occupations between now and 2026, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The median annual salary for NFL physical therapists was $60,180 in 2017, which means that half of all PTs in this field made more than this amount and half made less.

What are some challenges that NFL physical therapists face?

One of the challenges that NFL physical therapists face is the short turnaround time for players to be ready to play again. There is a lot of pressure to get players back on the field as soon as possible, which can sometimes lead to compromising care. Another challenge is dealing with the high levels of pain that some players experience. This can be difficult to manage and can require some creative thinking on the part of the therapist.

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