How Much Do NFL Refs Get Paid?

How much do NFL referees get paid? Here’s a look at the average salary and game fee for NFL referees, as well as other compensation.

How Much Do NFL Refs Make?

According to ESPN, the average salary for an NFL ref is $173,000 per year. However, the pay range for NFL refs can vary depending on experience and job role. For example, new NFL refs may start at a lower salary than more experienced refs.

In addition to their salary, NFL refs may also receive performance-based bonuses. For example, they may receive a bonus for correctly calling a certain number of plays during a game.

Overall, NFL refs are paid quite well compared to other professions. However, it is important to keep in mind that they also have a very demanding job that requires them to be away from home for long periods of time.

How Much Do NFL Refs Get Paid Per Game?

NFL referees are among the highest-paid referees in all of professional sports. In fact, the average salary for an NFL referee was $173,000 as of 2019, according to Business Insider. This includes both their regular season and postseason games.

However, it’s important to note that NFL referees don’t just get paid per game. They also receive an annual salary from the league itself. For the 2019 season, that salary was $205,000, according to Forbes. On top of that, they also receive benefits like pension and health insurance.

How Much Do NFL Refs Get Paid Per Year?

NFL referees make an average salary between $25,000 and $70,000 per season, which is determined by how long they have been in the league. New officials make around $40,000 per year, while those with 20 or more years of experience can make upwards of $80,000. In addition to their salary, NFL referees also receive a pension from the league after they retire.

How Much Do NFL Refs Make in Bonuses?

According to Business Insider, NFL refs make an annual salary of $173,000, as of 2019. They also receive a pension and benefits package that is worth an additional $18,000 per year. In addition to their salaries, NFL refs also receive bonuses for working key games during the season, such as games that are broadcast on primetime television or playoff games. Bonuses vary depending on the importance of the game, but they can range from $500 to $2,000 per game.

How Much Do NFL Refs Make in Pension Plans?

According to, the average NFL referee pension is $50,000 per year. However, the amount can vary depending on years of service and other factors. For example, if a referee has been in the NFL for 20 years or more, they may be eligible for a pension of up to $100,000 per year.

How Much Do NFL Refs Make in Perks?

In addition to their salaries, NFL refs also receive a few perks. These can include travel expenses, clothes, and subscription fees.

According to an article from Forbes, the average NFL ref made $205,000 in salary andperks in 2019. The highest-paid refs made $500,000 or more.

While the NFL does not release detailed information about how much each ref makes in salary and perks, we do know that the average salary for an NFL referee was $173,000 in 2019. The highest-paid refs make between $200,000 and $300,000 per year.

So, while we don’t know the exact amount that NFL refs make in salary and perks, we do know that they make a pretty decent living!

How Much Do NFL Refs Make in Total?

In total, NFL referees make an average of $173,000 per year. The NFL pays its officials an average of $173,000 per season. Referees are the highest paid officials in the league, followed by umpires, which make an average of $165,000 a year.

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