How Much Do NFL Refs Make Per Year?

How much do NFL refs make per year? The answer may surprise you. According to Forbes, the average NFL referee salary is $173,000.

How Much Do NFL Refs Make in a Year?

NFL refs make an average of $173,000 per year, but their salaries can range from $56,000 to $275,000. So, how much do NFL refs make in a year? It all depends on experience and tenure.

How Much Do NFL Refs Make Per Game?

Depending on their seniority, NFL referees make between $9,000 and $11,000 per game. Newer NFL referees make on the lower end of that range while more experienced refs make closer to $11,000 per game. That works out to an annual salary of between $167,000 and $200,000 for NFL referees.

How Much Do NFL Refs Make Per Season?

NFL referees make an average of $205,000 per season, according to a 2011 report from Forbes. That figure includes their salaries and bonuses. How do NFL referees get paid? NFL referees are paid on a per-game basis. The amount they make depends on their experience and the position they hold. NFL officials who work as umpires, for example, make more money than those who work as line judges.

How Much Do NFL Refs Make in Their Career?

NFL referees officiate the games and are responsible for enforcing the rules and maintaining the order of the game. They are also responsible for making sure that the players are safe and that the game is fair. NFL referees make an annual salary of $173,000.

How Much Do NFL Refs Make in Retirement?

Although NFL refs don’t earn an annual salary, they do receive a game check for each game they officiate. In 2013, the average game check was $6,000. NFL refs also receive a pension after 20 years of service. The average annual pension benefit for an NFL referee is $34,000.

How Much Do NFL Refs Make in Total?

NFL referees are some of the highest-paid officials in all of professional sports. In fact, the average NFL referee salary is $173,000 per year, according to a report from Forbes. That’s nearly four times the average salary of the average American worker, which is just $37,000 per year. NFL referees also receive a generous retirement package.

How Much Do NFL Refs Make in a Lifetime?

NFL refs make an average of $173,000 a year. The highest-paid NFL refs make over $200,000 a year. That’s not bad at all, but it’s still far less than what the NFL players make. In fact, the average NFL player make 7 times more than an NFL ref!

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