How Much Do NFL Waterboys Make an Hour?

A waterboy for the NFL can make a pretty penny. The average salary for an NFL waterboy is $53,000 a year. That’s a nice chunk of change for someone who has to lug around water and Gatorade all day long!



Waterboys in the NFL earn $53,000 a year on average. The position is part time, and hours vary depending on the team’s schedule. Waterboys typically work during home games and practice sessions.

What Does an NFL Waterboy Do?

An NFL waterboy is responsible for providing water to the players on the field during practice and games. He or she also has to fill up the water cooler and make sure there are enough cups for the players. The waterboy must be able to run fast and be in good shape so that he can keep up with the players. He also has to know how to handle a football, because sometimes the players will throw him the ball when they are thirsty.

The average salary for an NFL waterboy is $53,000 per year.

How Much Do NFL Waterboys Make?

NFL waterboys make a median salary of $53,000 a year as of 2019. This pay is determined based on the number of years they have worked for the NFL, as well as their experience in the role. In addition to their salary, waterboys also receive benefits such as health insurance and a retirement plan.

How to Become an NFL Waterboy

To become an NFL waterboy, you must first become a waterboy for a high school or college team. Once you have gained some experience, you can then apply for a position with an NFL team. There are also a few private companies that provide water services to NFL teams.


In conclusion, NFL waterboys make an average of $53,000 per year.

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