How Much Do NFL Refs Make?

Here’s a breakdown of NFL referee salaries, from rookies to crew chiefs.

How Much Do NFL Refs Make?

How Much NFL Refs Make

NFL referees officiate the games and are responsible for enforcing the rules and maintaining order on the field. They are also responsible for the safety of the players. NFL referees are paid an average of $173,000 per year.

How Much NFL Refs Make Per Game

In the NFL, officials are paid on a game-by-game basis and earn different amounts depending on their experience level.

As of 2021, NFL referees make an average of $181,000 per season. The pay scale for NFL officials increases each year as they gain more experience. In their first year, NFL officials make $110,000. By their seventh year, they earn $200,000 per season.

In addition to their game fees, NFL officials also receive a retirement plan and health insurance.

How Much NFL Refs Make Per Year

How much NFL refs make per year is a question that many people ask. The answer to this question can vary depending on the source that you consult. According to one source, the average NFL ref make around $173,000 per year. However, another source claims that NFL refs can make as much as $500,000 per year. It is important to note that these figures are only estimates and the actual amount that an NFL ref makes can vary depending on a number of factors, such as experience and location.

How Much NFL Refs Make in Bonuses

NFL officials are paid handsomely for their services, but they also can earn even more cash through bonuses. These bonuses are based on a number of factors, including the number of plays in a game, the importance of the game, and whether or not the officials correctly called all the plays. So, how much do NFL refs make in bonuses?

How Much NFL Refs Make in Performance-Based Bonuses

In addition to their annual salaries, NFL referees also receive bonuses for their performance. These bonuses are based on a number of factors, including the number of games they officiate and their ranking within the league.

The NFL’s top referees can earn up to $10,000 in performance-based bonuses, while lower-ranked officials can earn up to $2,000. These bonuses are paid out at the end of the season, and they are in addition to the officials’ regular salaries.

So, how much do NFL referees make in total? Including their base salaries and performance-based bonuses, NFL officials can earn anywhere from $50,000 to $200,000 per year.

How Much NFL Refs Make in Postseason Bonuses

In addition to their regular season salaries, NFL referees receive bonuses for working playoff games, which are among the most important games of the year. According to CNBC, the bonuses paid to NFL referees range from $2,000 for a Wild Card game to $11,900 for a Super Bowl. So, if a ref works the maximum number of postseason games (five), they could earn an additional $32,700 on top of their regular salary.

How Much NFL Refs Make in Retirement

Since the retirement rate for NFL referees is estimated to be 96 percent, most NFL refs have to start planning for their post-football lives early on in their careers. And while some may go on to work in different capacities within the sports world, many NFL referees are able to enjoy comfortable retirements thanks to their solid pensions. Thanks to their lengthy careers and the league’s solid pension plan, NFL referees are able to retire quite comfortably.

How Much NFL Refs Make in Pension Benefits

According to Business Insider, the average NFL referee salary is $173,000 per year. However, NFL refs who have been in the league for more than 20 years can make much more than that in pension benefits.

For example, an NFL ref who has worked for 25 years can expect to receive an annual pension of approximately $58,000. That same ref would also be eligible for health insurance and other benefits.

How Much NFL Refs Make in 401(k) Plans

In order to receive a pension from the NFL, referees must work for the league for at least 20 years. However, they are eligible to start contributing to their 401(k) plan starting in their first year. contributed $18,000 in 2017. The matching contribution is 50 cents on the dollar up to 6% of eligible pay, which means an additional $900 from the NFL. If a referee works for 30 years and retires at age 65, he or she would have a nest egg of more than $1 million.

While it’s not as much money as some of the players make, it’s still a decent retirement contribution from the NFL.

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