How Much Do NHL Assistant Coaches Make?

NHL assistant coaches make an average of $150,000 per year, but the range can be anywhere from $75,000 to $300,000. The higher end of the range is typically reserved for assistant coaches with many years of experience or those working for highly successful teams.

NHL Assistant Coaches’ Salaries

Assistant coaches in the National Hockey League (NHL) typically make between $40,000 and $100,000 per year, with the median salary coming in at $75,000. However, there is a wide range of salaries, with some assistant coaches making as little as $30,000 per year and some making as much as $250,000 per year.

Average Salary

NHL assistant coaches’ salaries vary based on a number of factors, including the team’s budget, the coach’s experience and credentials, and the success of the team. However, there is some data available on what NHL assistant coaches make on average.

According to a 2016 report from The Athletic, the average NHL assistant coach’s salary was approximately $317,000 per year. This ishigher than the salaries of assistant coaches in other major professional sports leagues, such as the MLB ($164,000) and the NFL ($165,000). However, it should be noted that NHL teams typically have larger coaching staffs than teams in other leagues, so not all of an NHL team’s coaching budget may go to the assistants.

Salary Range

NHL assistant coaches typically make between $60,000 and $300,000 per year, with the median salary coming in at $105,000. salaries can vary widely depending on a number of factors, including the team’s budget, the coach’s experience and reputation, and the team’s success.

How NHL Assistant Coaches’ Salaries Are Determined

NHL assistant coaches’ salaries are determined by a number of factors, including the team’s budget, the coach’s experience, and the team’s performance. In general, assistant coaches with more experience and on teams with higher budgets will make more money than those with less experience and on teams with lower budgets.

Collective Bargaining Agreement

In order to understand how NHL assistant coaches’ salaries are determined, we must first understand the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between the NHL and the National Hockey League Players’ Association (NHLPA). The CBA is a contract that outlines the rules and regulations that govern the relationship between the NHL and NHLPA. It is important to note that the CBA does not determine how much a team can spend on its coaching staff, but rather defines what types of compensation assistant coaches can receive.

As of the 2019-20 season, the CBA states that assistant coaches can earn a base salary of up to $275,000 per year. Additionally, assistant coaches can earn up to $75,000 in performance bonuses. These bonuses are typically given for achieving certain team or individual milestones, such as making the playoffs or winning a major award. Finally, assistant coaches can also receive up to $10,000 in per diem payments, which are meant to cover expenses such as meals and lodging while on road trips.

It should be noted that these numbers are not set in stone, and that teams often pay their assistant coaches significantly more than the CBA allows. For instance, it is not uncommon for top assistant coaches to earn annual salaries in excess of $1 million. However, it is worth mentioning that these high salaries are typically reserved for assistant coaches who have significant prior experience as head coaches or who have other unique skillsets that make them highly valuable to their team.

Length of Contract

In the NHL, assistant coaches’ salaries are determined by the length of their contract. The average contract for an NHL assistant coach is two years. In addition, each team has a salary cap that they cannot exceed. This means that if an assistant coach’s salary would put the team over the salary cap, the team cannot sign him to that contract.


Assistant coaches in the National Hockey League typically earn between $200,000 and $2 million per year, according to a 2017 report from The Athletic. Incentives can play a significant role in how much assistant coaches earn, as bonuses are often included in contracts for on-ice success, such as winning a Stanley Cup.

How NHL Assistant Coaches’ Salaries Compare to Other Leagues

NHL assistant coaches make an average of $275,000 per year, which is the highest average salary among assistant coaches in the four major North American professional sports leagues. Major League Baseball (MLB) assistant coaches, on the other hand, make an average of $164,500 annually.

Major League Baseball

In Major League Baseball, the average salary for an assistant coach is $145,000, according to a 2018 report from The Athletic. The range in salaries is wide, however, with some assistant coaches making as little as $30,000 and others making more than $500,000 per year.

National Football League

National Football League assistant coaches earn an average of $200,000 annually, according to a January 2011 article on the website This figure is slightly higher than assistant coaches in the Canadian Football League, who make an average salary of $150,000 per year.

In contrast, National Hockey League assistant coaches earn an average salary of $64,293, as of October 2009, according to the website My Life As An NHL Assistant Coach. This figure is considerably lower than other North American professional sports leagues. For example, Major League Baseball assistant coaches make an average salary of $109,000 per year and National Basketball Association assistant coaches earn an average salary of $103,000 annually.

National Basketball Association

In the National Basketball Association, the average salary for an assistant coach is $60,000 to $65,000, with some coaches earning as much as $75,000 per year. There are also a handful of assistant coaches who earn six-figure salaries, ranging from $100,000 to $1 million per year. The highest-paid assistant coach in the NBA is Ron Adelman of the Houston Rockets, who earns a reported $1 million per year.

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