How Much Do NFL Referees Make?

You may be wondering how much NFL referees make. According to Business Insider, the average salary for an NFL referee is $173,000 per year.

NFL Referee Salaries

NFL referees are some of the highest-paid officials in all of professional sports. In the 2018-19 season, the average salary for an NFL referee was $205,000, but that number has been steadily increasing over the years. The highest-paid NFL referee in the 2018-19 season was Clete Blakeman, who made $325,000.

How much do NFL referees make?

NFL referees are some of the highest-paid sports officials in the world. In fact, the average salary for an NFL referee was $205,000 in 2019, according to ESPN. That’s more than double the average salary for officials in other major American sports leagues.

The annual pay for NFL referees can vary based on experience and position. For instance, new referees and those working in lower-level games typically earn less than $200,000 per year. However, veteran referees and those who work in high-profile games can earn annual salaries upwards of $500,000.

In addition to their regular paychecks, NFL referees also receive a number of perks and benefits. These include free travel to and from games, free accommodations while on the road, and a pension plan that pays retired referees an annual stipend.

What is the NFL referee salary schedule?

NFL referees are paid on a per-game basis, and the amount they make depends on their years of experience. According to Business Insider, the average salary for an NFL referee is $205,000 per year. However, first-year referees only make an average of $173,000 per year. There is also a bonus structure in place for referees who work postseason games, which can bump up their annual salaries significantly.

NFL Referee Bonuses

Aside from their regular game salary, NFL referees also receive bonuses. These bonuses are given out for a variety of reasons, such as working a playoff game or a game that goes into overtime. In this article, we’ll break down how these bonuses work and how much referees can earn.

What bonuses do NFL referees receive?

In addition to their annual salary, NFL referees receive bonuses for working important games such as the playoffs and the Super Bowl.

For example, in 2012, the four divisional playoff games each paid out a $20,000 bonus to the referees. The two conference championship games bumped that number up to $40,000 per game, while the Super Bowl pays out a $50,000 bonus.

This add extra income on top of the base salary that NFL referees make, which is reported to be between $173,000 and $205,000 per year.

How are NFL referee bonuses calculated?

NFL referees are paid on a scale which is based on their experience. NFL referee bonuses are calculated by taking 1/17th of the total annual salary and dividing it by the number of regular season games. For example, if an NFL referee makes $200,000 per year, their bonus would be $200,000/17=$11,765.

In addition to their annual salary, NFL referees also receive a per game fee. For the 2018 season, NFL referees will earn $173,000 plus a $11,900 per game fee. The total compensation for an NFL referee for the 2018 season will be $204,900.

NFL Referee Pensions

NFL referees are some of the highest-paid officials in all of professional sports. In addition to their game day salaries, they also receive pensions and other benefits. Here’s a look at how much NFL referees make.

What pension benefits do NFL referees receive?

NFL referees are vested in the plan after three years of service or at age 45, whichever is later. Vested referees are eligible for an annual pension benefit equal to the average of their highest three years’ compensation, times their credited seasons of service, times a benefit multiplier.

As of 2010, the average pension benefit for vested NFL referees was $26,000 per year.

How are NFL referee pensions calculated?

NFL referees are eligible to receive a pension after 20 years of service. Their pensions are calculated using a formula that takes into account their years of service and their average salary over their last three years.

NFL referees who have served for 20 years or more are eligible to receive a pension. The amount of the pension is based on a formula that takes into account the referee’s length of service and average salary over their last three years.

For example, a referee who has worked for 25 years and has an average salary of $100,000 would receive a pension of $50,000 per year.

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