How Much Do NFL Cheerleaders Get Paid?

How Much Do NFL Cheerleaders Get Paid? The average salary for an NFL cheerleader is $150 per game.


As professional athletes, NFL cheerleaders are held to a high standard. They must maintain their physical appearance, dance abilities, and enthusiasm throughout the entire football season. In exchange for their dedication, they are compensated with a wage that is determined by the team they cheer for.

The average salary for an NFL cheerleader is $150 per game or $3,000 per season. However, this number can vary depending on the team. For example, the New Orleans Saints cheerleaders make $10 per hour for all regular season home games. This works out to be $80 per game or $1,600 per season. The Oakland Raiders cheerleaders make $125 per game or $2,500 per season.

In addition to their salaries, NFL cheerleaders may also receive other forms of compensation, such as free housing or transportation to and from games. Some teams also provide their cheerleaders with a stipend to cover the cost of uniforms and other necessary supplies.

How Much Do NFL Cheerleaders Make?

It is no secret that professional cheerleaders make significantly less money than the players they root for on Sundays. In some cases, cheerleaders make as little as $75 per game, while the players they are cheering on make millions of dollars. So, how much do NFL cheerleaders get paid?

Per Game

NFL cheerleaders make $100 to $200 per game, depending on the team they cheer for.

Per Year

On average, professional NFL cheerleaders make between $50 to $150 per game. For a full-time schedule during the NFL season, which typically runs from September to December, that means earning anywhere from $1,800 to $6,000. And that doesn’t account for personal appearances, photo shoots, and other events that may be required of cheerleaders throughout the year.

Per Hour

Since NFL cheerleaders are considered part-time employees, they do not receive benefits like health insurance or a retirement plan. They are, however, paid an hourly wage, and their pay rates vary by team.

According to a report from Bloomberg, the average hourly wage for an NFL cheerleader is $9 per hour. However, this number can vary widely depending on the team. For example, cheerleaders for the Buffalo Bills make $110 per game, which comes out to $5.50 per hour. Cheerleaders for the New England Patriots make $250 per game, which comes out to $12.50 per hour.

So, how much do NFL cheerleaders make in a year? That depends on how many games their team plays and how much they are paid per game. For example, if a team plays 16 games in a season and a cheerleader is paid $5.50 per hour for those games, she would make a total of $880 for the season. If a team plays 20 games in a season and a cheerleader is paid $12.50 per hour for those games, she would make a total of $2,500 for the season.

How Do NFL Cheerleaders Get Paid?

The average NFL cheerleader salary is $150 per game day, according to a report from Forbes. That includes all game days, whether it’s a preseason game, regular season game, or playoff game. For a full-time cheerleader, that adds up to about $3,000 per season. Most cheerleaders also have other jobs, so they don’t rely on their cheerleading income as their only source of earnings. How do NFL cheerleaders get paid?


According to NFL rules, cheerleaders are only compensated for the hours they spend at practices and games. So, if a cheerleader has to spend 10 hours at practice during the week, she is only paid for those 10 hours. Cheerleaders are not allowed to be paid for appearances or other events unless they are explicitly stated in their contracts. For example, if a cheerleader is required to make an appearance at a charity event, she will likely be compensated for her time.

In addition to their hourly wage, NFL cheerleaders also receive a per-game fee. This fee varies by team, but it is typically around $100-$200 per game. Some teams also offer additional bonuses, like a stipend for attending special events or training camp.


In addition to their base salary, NFL cheerleaders can earn bonuses at the end of the season. These bonuses are typically based on a number of factors, including attendance, performance, and personal conduct. For instance, the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders earn a $50 bonus for every home game they attend, as well as a $100 performance bonus for each game they cheer. Cheerleaders on the squad can also earn additional bonuses if they are chosen to participate in special events or projects, such as calendar shoots or appearances.


In addition to their hourly wages, NFL cheerleaders also earn money from appearance fees. For example, if a cheerleader is asked to make a public appearance at an event like a high school football game or a corporate function, she will likely receive an additional fee on top of her hourly wage. According to Business Insider, some cheerleaders can make several hundred dollars per appearance.

In addition to their hourly wages and appearance fees, NFL cheerleaders also receive a few other perks. For example, many teams provide their cheerleaders with free housing during training camp and free tickets to home games. Cheerleaders for the Eagles and the Raiders even receive free tickets to away games.


In conclusion, NFL cheerleaders make a decent salary. However, their salary does not compare to the salaries of the NFL players. The cheerleaders are not considered to be full time employees of the NFL, and therefore, they do not receive benefits such as health insurance or a retirement plan.

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