How Much Do WWE Superstars Get Paid?

How much do WWE superstars get paid? This is a question that is often asked by fans of professional wrestling. Unfortunately, there is no one definitive answer.

How Much Do WWE Superstars Get Paid?

WWE Salaries

Ever wonder how much your favorite WWE superstar gets paid? Well, according to Forbes, the average WWE superstar earns $500,000 per year. However, this number does not include WWE’s top superstars who make millions of dollars per year. In this article, we will be discussing the salaries of WWE’s top superstars.

WWE Superstars

WWE superstars are some of the highest-paid athletes in the world. The company pays its athletes a base salary, as well as a cut of the company’s profits, which can amount to millions of dollars per year.

The average WWE superstar makes $500,000 per year, though this number varies depending on factors such as experience, seniority, and whether or not the superstar is a main eventer or a mid-carder. The top superstars in the company can make upwards of $5 million per year.

In addition to their base salaries, WWE superstars also receive a percentage of the company’s profits from merchandise sales, pay-per-view buys, and live event ticket sales. This profit sharing can add millions of dollars to a superstar’s yearly earnings.

WWE Legends

Do you ever wonder how much your favorite WWE Superstars get paid? Well, wonder no more! We’ve got all the information on WWE Legends’ salaries right here.

WWE Legends are some of the most iconic names in professional wrestling. These men and women have shaped the business and inspired future generations of Superstars. And while they may no longer be in the ring, they still have a huge impact on WWE.

So how much do these legends earn? Well, it depends on a few factors. Some legends are under contract with WWE, while others are simply paid appearances. And then there are those who are retired from wrestling altogether but still make occasional appearances.

According to Forbes, the average WWE legend makes $1 million per year. But that number is skewed because it includes legends who are still actively wrestling and those who make infrequent appearances. When you factor in all legends, the average salary drops to $250,000 per year.

Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. The Rock is said to be WWE’s highest-paid legend, earning a whopping $5 million per appearance. And while that may seem like a lot, it’s actually less than what he earned during his active wrestling career!

WWE Announcers

Announcer salaries in WWE are structured much differently than wrestler pay, where the lowest-paid wrestler on the main roster still brings home a six-figure salary. Announcers, on the other hand, are paid hourly and many of them don’t work full-time for WWE.

The lead announce team of Michael Cole, Byron Saxton, and Corey Graves are all thought to make around $500,000 per year. This is a significant raise from what Cole was making in his previous role as head announcer, where he was said to have been earning $250,000 annually.

The salaries for other announce teams is not as public, but it’s safe to say that they don’t make close to what the main team does. For example, Mauro Ranallo, who was the voice of NXT until he abruptly left in March of 2019 reportedly made $100,000 per year in his role as lead announcer.

WWE Pay Per View Bonuses

All WWE superstars receive a base salary, but the real money is in pay-per-view bonuses. The superstars get a percentage of the pay-per-view revenue, and the amount varies based on their position on the card. The main event wrestlers usually get the biggest bonuses, while the opener might get the lowest.

Main Event Bonuses

While many WWE fans may think that superstar salaries are purely based on what they do in the ring, that’s not always the case. In fact, some of WWE’s biggest earners don’t even step foot in the ring that often.

One way that WWE superstars can make a lot of money is through PPV bonuses. Depending on their position on the card, superstars can earn a nice bonus just for wrestling at a PPV event.

The main event is obviously the most coveted spot on any PPV, and it comes with a pretty hefty bonus. According to Forbes, main eventers can earn up to $500,000 per PPV appearance. That means if someone like Brock Lesnar wrestles at four PPVs in a year, he could make up to $2 million just from those matches.

While $500,000 may seem like a lot of money for one match, it’s important to remember that these superstars are also responsible for selling tickets and generating interest in the PPV. So, in a way, they’re kind of like investment bankers who get paid based on how well their clients do.

Still, it’s impressive that WWE is able to pay its superstars so much money just for wrestling a few times per year. And it’s yet another example of how Vince McMahon has built WWE into a global entertainment empire.

Dark Match Bonuses

An additional bonus that is sometimes given to WWE Superstars is for appearing in what is known as a “dark match.” A dark match is a match that takes place before the televised event begins. These matches are often used to try out new talent or to test out new match concepts. Dark match bonuses are not given out on a regular basis, but they are an additional way for WWE Superstars to earn income.

Raw Bonuses

WWE Raw superstars are given a $500 bonus for every pay-per-view event that they compete in, regardless of whether they win or lose. For example, if a Raw superstar competed in and lost a match at WrestleMania, they would still receive the $500 bonus.

WWE Merchandise Sales Bonuses

In addition to their base salary, WWE superstars also receive bonuses for personal appearances, live events, and merchandise sales. These bonuses can vary depending on factors such as the popularity of the superstar, the length of their contract, and the size of the venue.


Each WWE Superstar is given a base salary, but they also receive additional income from various sources, including merchandise sales. One way Superstars can make money is through t-shirt sales bonuses, which are determined by how many units of a given t-shirt are sold.

According to a report by Wrestlenomics, the top tier of WWE Superstars can make as much as $500,000 per year in t-shirt sales bonuses alone. The majority of Superstars, however, make significantly less than that. In fact, the average WWE Superstar t-shirt bonus is just $4,000 per year.

While that may not sound like a lot, it’s important to remember that WWE Superstars also receive revenue from other sources, such as live event appearances and PPV bonuses. When all of these revenue streams are taken into account, the average WWE Superstar salary is actually quite respectable.

Action Figures

WWE superstars are given a base salary, but they also receive income from other sources, such as merchandise sales. One way that WWE superstars can make extra money is through action figure sales.

In 2015, Forbes estimated that John Cena made $5.5 million from action figure sales alone. This number is likely to be even higher now, as Cena is one of the most popular WWE superstars. Other top earners include Brock Lesnar and The Rock, who are also among the most popular wrestlers.

While it is not public information how much WWE pays its superstars for action figure sales, it is clear that it is a significant source of income for some of the company’s biggest names.

DVD Sales

WWE superstars are rewarded based on the company’s profit, as well as their own contributions to said profit. In general, the more a superstar appears on WWE programming, the more money they will make. This is due to the fact that they are given a base salary, as well as a percentage of merchandise sales that feature them.

For example, if a WWE superstar appears on WWE Raw and WWE Smackdown, they will receive a higher salary than someone who only appears on one of those shows. Furthermore, if that superstar is also featured prominently on WWE’s official website and social media platforms, they will likely receive an even higher salary.

When it comes to DVD sales, each WWE superstar receives a bonus for every unit sold that features them in some capacity. This bonus is usually around $1-$2 per unit sold, but can vary depending on the release and the performer’s popularity.

WWE Live Event Bonuses

WWE superstars get paid a variety of different ways. Most of their income comes from WWE’s revenue, which is generated through things like ticket sales, merchandise sales, and television rights fees. WWE superstars also get paid bonuses for attending and performing at live events.

Ticket Sales Bonuses

WWE superstars receive a bonus for every ticket sold above a certain amount for each WWE live event. The bonus amount varies from wrestler to wrestler, but it is generally based on seniority and star power. The ticket sales bonus is usually a small percentage of the total ticket sales above the WWE’s agreed-upon amount.

Main Event Bonuses

WWE superstars are paid for their performances on a scale which is determined by their position on the card. The higher up on the card a superstar is, the more they will be paid. For example, a superstar who is in the main event of a WWE live event will be paid more than a superstar who is in the opening match.

Main eventers can expect to receive bonuses for their matches, as well as for any promo work they do during the show. Promo work includes cutting backstage interviews and doing skits. Bonuses are also given for drawing a good crowd to the show and for selling merchandise.

WWE Bonuses

WWE offers a base salary, as well as a wide variety of bonuses for their superstars. Bonuses can include appearance fees, merchandise sales, and more. In this article, we’ll break down how much WWE superstars get paid, as well as how bonuses work.

Win Bonuses

In addition to their base salary, WWE superstars receive bonuses based on their match finishes and promo ratings. Promo ratings are determined by a backstage WWE official who rates each star’s promo out of 5.0. Match finish bonuses are determined by the match type, with the main event matches having the highest bonuses. Here is a breakdown of the average win bonuses WWE superstars receive:

-Main Event Match: $5,000
-Mid-Card Match: $2,500
-Opening Match: $1,500
-Promo: $500

Loss Bonuses

In addition to their base salary, WWE superstars receive other forms of compensation for their work in the company. One such bonus is the “loss bonus.”

As the name implies, this bonus is paid to a superstar when they lose a match. The amount of the bonus varies depending on a number of factors, including the importance of the match, the length of the match, and whether or not it was a televised event.

While it may seem counterintuitive to pay someone for losing, WWE sees it as an incentive for superstars to put on good matches and give fans their money’s worth. After all, if WWE can’t keep its fans entertained, they’ll stop watching and the company will lose money.

So, in a way, loss bonuses are good for business. They ensure that WWE superstars are motivated to perform at their best and give fans the matches they want to see.

Draw Bonuses

In order to incentive WWE Superstars to perform well and put on a good show, WWE offers draw bonuses. Draw bonuses are awarded to Superstars based on how many people tune in to watch the show. The more people that watch, the higher the bonus. This gives Superstars a financial incentive to put on a good show and make sure people keep coming back for more.

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