How Much Do NFL Ball Boys Make?

Wondering how much NFL ball boys make? We have the answer, along with some interesting facts and figures about these hard-working members of the team.

How Much Do NFL Ball Boys Make?


We all know that the NFL is a huge business. But did you know that the people who work on the sidelines are also paid handsomely? That’s right, NFL ball boys make a pretty penny for their hard work.

So, how much do NFL ball boys make? According to sources, the average salary for an NFL ball boy is $53,000 per year. However, this number can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the team’s budget and the size of the market.

For example, the New England Patriots have a larger budget than most teams, so their ball boys likely make more than $53,000 per year. On the other hand, teams in smaller markets may not be able to pay their ball boys as much.

So, if you’re looking to make some good money and you don’t mind getting your hands dirty (or dealing with sweaty football players), then becoming an NFL ball boy might be the perfect job for you!

What Do NFL Ball Boys Do?

In short, NFL ball boys or ball girls collect and clean the game balls during NFL games. They also provide water and other supplies to players and officials on the sidelines. Most teams have between 8 and 10 ball boys on their staff.

How Much Do NFL Ball Boys Make?

The average salary for an NFL ball boy is $53,000 per year, according to a report from NBC Sports. The exact salary can vary depending on the team’s budget and the size of the market. For example, the New England Patriots have a larger budget than most teams and pay their ball boys an annual salary of $60,000.

How to Become an NFL Ball Boy

Think you have what it takes to become an NFL ball boy? Here’s what you need to know.

The first step is to attend an open tryout. These usually take place in late April or early May. You must be at least 18 years old and have a high school diploma or equivalent to participate.

At the tryout, you’ll be asked to perform a series of drills, including fielding punts and kicks, running pass patterns and participating in special teams simulations. You’ll also be asked to show your athleticism with a series of tests, such as the 40-yard dash and the broad jump.

From there, the team will select a group of finalists to interview. The interview is your chance to sell yourself as someone who is enthusiastic, energetic and dedicated to the job. Be prepared to answer questions about your favorite team and players, as well as your experience working with kids (if any).

If you’re selected as an NFL ball boy, congratulations! You’ll now be responsible for many of the behind-the-scenes tasks that keep the game running smoothly. This includes retrieving balls that go out of bounds, bringing water to players on the sidelines and assisting coaches with headset communications.

In return for your hard work, you’ll receive a weekly salary (which varies by team) and perks like free tickets and access to team facilities. So if you’re passionate about football and want to be involved in America’s favorite sport, becoming an NFL ball boy may just be the perfect job for you!


In conclusion, NFL ball boys make a good salary. They are able to work full-time and have a good benefits package.

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