How Much Does an NBA Referee Make in a Year?

How much does an NBA referee make in a year? This is a question that many people ask, and for good reason. NBA referees are some of the highest-paid officials in all of professional sports.

According to Business Insider, the average NBA referee makes around $375,000 per year. That’s a pretty impressive salary, especially when you consider that the average NBA player only makes around $5.5 million per year.

So, what do NBA referees do to

NBA Referee Salaries

Base Salary

The average salary for an NBA referee is $150,000 per year, according to CNN Money. However, salaries can range from $100,000 to $300,000 per year, depending on experience and position. For example, referees who work playoff games earn more than those who work regular season games.

Postseason Bonuses

In addition to their annual salaries, NBA referees also receive bonuses for working playoff games. These bonuses are broken down by rounds, with the highest payments going to those who work the Finals. For the 2019-2020 season, referees received the following bonuses:

First Round: $6,000

Second Round: $7,000

Conference Finals: $8,000

NBA Finals: $9,000

Perks and Benefits

Aside from a solid salary, NBA referees also enjoy a few other benefits. For one, they get to travel to different cities across the country to officiate games. They also get free tickets to the games they work and access to exclusive NBA events.

Housing and Travel

The NBA provides a housing allowance for each official to help cover the cost of living on the road. The amount of the allowance varies based on the city, but it is typically around $100 per day. In addition, officials are given a per diem ( daily allowance) to help cover meals and other incidentals. The per diem for domestic travel is $275 per day and $425 for international travel. All travel expenses are paid by the NBA.


Like other NBA employees, referees are entitled to health insurance benefits. The league covers 100% of the cost of health insurance premiums for officials, and 50% of the cost for their dependents. In addition, the NBA provides dental and vision insurance for referees and their families.


Referees in the NBA have a good retirement plan. After 20 years of working as an NBA referee, they are eligible for a pension. The pension is worth 50% of their average salary over their last five years of working. For example, if a referee worked for 10 years and their average salary was $100,000, their pension would be worth $50,000.

NBA pension plan

The NBA has a pension plan for its referees. The plan is funded by the league and the players’ association, and it provides benefits for eligible officials when they reach retirement age.

To be eligible for the pension plan, an official must have worked in the NBA for at least 15 years. Officials who have worked in the NBA for 20 or more years are eligible for enhanced benefits.

The amount of an official’s pension benefit is based on a formula that takes into account the official’s years of service and average salary over his or her career.

Social Security

The Social Security system in the United States is a pay-as-you-go system, which means that benefits are paid for by taxes on current workers’ wages. The system is designed to provide a safety net for Americans who are retired, disabled, or otherwise unable to work.

In order to qualify for Social Security benefits, workers must earn credits by working and paying taxes into the system. For every year that a worker pays into the system, they earn one credit. In most cases, workers need to earn 40 credits (10 years of work) to qualify for benefits.

Workers can start earning benefits as early as age 62, but the amount of the benefit will be reduced if they start receiving payments before their full retirement age. For example, if your full retirement age is 67 and you start receiving benefits at 62, you will only receive 70% of your monthly benefit amount.

The amount of the benefit payment is based on the worker’s lifetime earnings and the number of years that they have worked and paid into the system.

NBA Referee Salary Ranges

NBA referees are some of the highest-paid officials in all of professional sports. According to Business Insider, the average salary for an NBA referee is $375,000. However, that number can range anywhere from $150,000 to $600,000 depending on experience and seniority. So, how do NBA referees get paid? Let’s take a look.


The average salary for an NBA referee is $150,000, but first-year officials make significantly less. NBA referees start out at an annual salary of $110,000 and can earn up to $499,000 per year as they gain experience. The most experienced and respected officials in the league make well over $500,000 a year.


At the mid-level, NBA referees can earn between $150,000 and $350,000 per year. The majority of referees in the NBA fall into this pay range.


The average salary for an NBA referee is $150,000. NBA referees who have worked in the league for at least five seasons can earn up to $500,000. The top NBA referees can earn up to $1 million per year.

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