How Much Does a NBA Waterboy Make?
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We all see them on the sidelines, but have you ever wondered how much a NBA waterboy makes? Check out this blog post to find out!
NBA waterboys make an average of $58,000 per year.
NBA waterboys make an average of $58,000 per year. The position is not as glamorous as it might seem, as waterboys are responsible for a variety of tasks during games and practices. These tasks include fetching water for players and coaches, setting up the locker room, maintaining the team’s equipment, and running errands for the coaching staff.
The average salary for an NBA waterboy is $53,000.
The average salary for an NBA waterboy is $53,000.
Waterboys in the NBA make sure that players are hydrated during games and practices. They also handle other tasks such as washing player’s uniforms and stocking locker rooms with snacks and other supplies.
NBA waterboys make an average of $48,000 per year.
NBA waterboys make an average of $48,000 per year. They are responsible for providing water and towels to players during games and practices. They also set up and break down the team’s locker room and equipment.
The average salary for an NBA waterboy is $40,000.
The average salary for an NBA waterboy is $40,000. While this may seem like a lot, it is important to remember that they are performing a vital service for the team. They are responsible for making sure that the players have enough water to stay hydrated during practice and during games.
While the job of a waterboy is not as glamorous as some of the other positions in the NBA, it is still an important one. Without them, the players would not be able to stay properly hydrated and could potentially suffer from serious health problems.