How Much Does a WWE Wrestler Make in a Match?

How much does a WWE wrestler make in a match? This is a question that many fans have, and the answer may surprise you. Read on to learn more.

How Much Does a WWE Wrestler Make in a Match?

The WWE’s pay-per-view model

The WWE’s pay-per-view model is how most wrestlers make their money in today’s market. While a base salary is guaranteed, wrestlers typically make the majority of their income through PPV bonuses and a share of merchandise sales.

In terms of bonuses, each PPV buys a certain number of points which are then divided among the wrestlers on the card. The attraction (main event) gets the most points, with the semifinal and opening matches usually getting significantly less. These points are often written into contracts, so wrestlers know exactly how much they’ll make for each show. The downside to this system is that it’s PPV-based, so if a show does poorly or is canceled, wrestlers can be left without a paycheck.

How much WWE wrestlers are paid

WWE wrestlers are paid a base salary, as well as bonuses and royalties. They also receive a percentage of the pay-per-view revenue. The average WWE wrestler made $500,000 in 2015, but the top earners made much more.

Base salary

WWE wrestlers’ salaries range from $100,000 to $10 million, with base salaries in 2018 at $500,000 for main eventers and $250,000 for other wrestlers, according to Forbes. Bonuses and merchandise sales can increase a wrestler’s income.


Bonuses are a big part of a wrestler’s income in WWE. For example, John Cena earned $1.27 million in bonuses in 2014, which was almost one-third of his total earnings for the year. Bonuses are generally given out for appearances on WWE television shows, pay-per-view events, and live events. They can also be given out for merchandise sales, social media interaction, and various other factors.

Pay-per-view revenue

The amount WWE wrestlers are paid per match depends on a few factors, the most important being whether or not the match is taking place on a pay-per-view.

WWE does most of its business through pay-per-views, and the company generates the vast majority of its revenue from these events. Consequently, WWE wrestlers are paid more for matches that take place on pay-per-view than those that don’t.

In addition to their basic salary, WWE wrestlers also receive a bonus for each pay-per-view match they participate in. The size of the bonus varies depending on the wrestler’s contract, but it is typically a few thousand dollars.

WWE also pays its wrestlers a percentage of the revenue generated by pay-per-view buys. The exact percentage varies depending on the wrestler’s contract, but it is typically around 5%.

The average WWE wrestler’s salary

WWE wrestlers make a lot of money, but how much does the average WWE wrestler make in a match? We did some research and found that the average WWE wrestler make around $500 per match. This number, of course, depends on the wrestler’s popularity, experience, and other factors.

Main event wrestlers

The average salary for a WWE wrestler is $500,000 per year, with the top wrestlers making more than $1 million. Main event wrestlers, who are typically the most popular and receive the most TV time, earn the highest salaries. The top main event WWE wrestlers can earn more than $5 million per year.

Mid-card wrestlers

In general, mid-card wrestlers are paid less than the main event wrestlers. While their salaries will vary based on their experience, popularity, and demand, most mid-card wrestlers earn between $500 and $3,000 per match.

Lower-card wrestlers

While the top WWE superstars can earn millions of dollars per year, the average wrestler make considerably less. In fact, most wrestlers are considered to be “lower-card” performers and earn significantly less than the main eventers.

Lower-card wrestlers typically make $500 to $5,000 per match, depending on their experience and whether they are working for WWE, NXT, or one of WWE’s developmental brands. Most lower-card wrestlers also have regular jobs outside of wrestling, as the pay is not enough to support a full-time lifestyle.

The highest-paid WWE wrestlers

While the average WWE wrestler makes a good salary, the top performers in the company are paid far more than their colleagues. In fact, the top wrestlers can make millions of dollars per year.

The following list includes the wrestlers who are believed to be the highest-paid in WWE. It should be noted that these figures are only estimates and may not reflect the exact amount that each wrestler makes.

-Brock Lesnar: $5 million per year
-John Cena: $4 million per year
-Triple H: $3.3 million per year
-Roman Reigns: $2.5 million per year
-Randy Orton: $2.4 million per year

The lowest-paid WWE wrestlers

While the highest-paid WWE wrestlers make millions of dollars a year, the lowest-paid WWE wrestlers make a lot less.

The lowest-paid WWE wrestler is Dolph Ziggler, who is paid $1.5 million per year. This puts him at the bottom of the list of highest-paid WWE wrestlers. The next lowest-paid WWE wrestler is Brie Bella, who earns $1.36 million per year.

There are a number of other low-paid WWE wrestlers who earn less than $2 million per year. These include Stephanie McMahon, Big Show, Kane, Natalya, and Sin Cara.

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