How Much Do NBA Cheerleaders Make?

Do you want to know how much NBA cheerleaders make? Here’s a breakdown of what they earn, including game day pay and other perks.

NBA Cheerleaders’ Salaries

NBA cheerleaders make a lot of money. The average salary for an NFL cheerleader is $50,000 a year. NBA cheerleaders make an average of $75,000 a year. There are some cheerleaders who make more than $100,000 a year.

Minimum salary

Although it varies from team to team, the minimum pay for an NBA cheerleader is $75 per game, according to one report. That adds up to just $1,950 over the course of a season of 26 home games — not even close to minimum wage once you factor in how many hours they have to spend practicing. And that’s if they even make it that far.

Maximum salary

The majority of NBA cheerleaders are paid hourly, and the pay is much lower than what professional cheerleaders make in other leagues. The maximum salary for an NBA cheerleader is $50 per game, which comes out to $3,000 per season. For comparison, the minimum salary for an NBA player is $582,180, and the average salary is about $7 million.

Other Income Sources for NBA Cheerleaders

In addition to their pay from the team, NBA cheerleaders also make money from other sources. These include things like personal appearances, charity events, and endorsements. Some cheerleaders also work as dancers or models, and they may appear in magazines or on TV. Cheerleaders make a lot of money, but they also have a lot of expenses.

Personal appearances

One way that cheerleaders make extra money is through personal appearances. While the fee for these appearances vary, some teams have their cheerleaders sign a contract stating they will not appear at an event for less than a specified amount of money. For example, the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders cannot appear at an event for less than $250 an hour or $1,000 for a half day appearance.


In addition to their game day earnings, cheerleaders can also rake in some serious cash from sponsorships. These deals are usually made directly with the team, who will then take a cut of the earnings. The most common sponsorships are for clothing and beauty products, but cheerleaders have also been known to get deals from fitness companies, shoe companies, and even automakers.


In addition to their regular pay, NBA cheerleaders also have the opportunity to earn extra money through endorsements and other modeling and promotional work. This can be a significant source of income for some cheerleaders, and it can help them offset the costs of their appearances. Cheerleaders are often expected to maintain a certain look, and they may need to buy special clothing or cosmetics to meet these requirements.

Endorsements can be a great way for cheerleaders to earn extra income, but they are not always easy to come by. Cheerleaders who are able to secure endorsements typically have a strong online following and a positive public image. They may also have connections in the industry that help them get their foot in the door.

How NBA Cheerleaders Spend Their Money

Cheerleaders in the NBA make a surprisingly low salary, with most of them earning close to minimum wage. Despite this, they are often able to live comfortable lifestyles thanks to their appearance fees and other forms of income. In this article, we’ll take a look at how NBA cheerleaders make and spend their money.


NBA cheerleaders are not provided with housing, but they are given a hotel stipend to cover the cost of their accommodations while on the road. The amount of the stipend varies from team to team, but it is typically enough to cover the cost of a basic hotel room.


NBA cheerleaders make a salary of $50 to $150 per game, which is determined by the team they cheer for and the experience they have. They also receive pay for each practice, which is usually between $10 and $20 per hour. In addition to their game and practice pay, they may also receive a small stipend for transportation and other incidentals related to their job.


Many NBA cheerleaders have to maintain a healthy diet to keep their figures in shape, but they also have to be careful about spending too much money on food. Some of the ways that they save money on food include eating at home more often, cook in bulk, and eating out only on special occasions. They also try to find cheaper alternatives to their favorite foods. For example, instead of buying expensive steak, they might buy chicken or fish. NBA cheerleaders also have to be careful about their alcohol intake and make sure that they are not spending too much money on drinks.


NBA Cheerleaders make a good living. They are paid hourly, and their salary depends on the team they cheer for and the market the team is in. The average salary for an NBA cheerleader is about $50 per game. Some of the larger markets, such as New York and Los Angeles, pay upwards of $100 per game.

In addition to their salary, NBA Cheerleaders also receive a per diem, which is a daily allowance to cover meals and other expenses while they are working. The average per diem for an NBA Cheerleader is $25.

While their salaries may seem high, keep in mind that NBA Cheerleaders are contractors, not employees of the team. This means that they do not receive any benefits, such as health insurance or retirement savings plans.

In addition to their salaries, many NBA Cheerleaders also earn income from appearances and other promotional work. Appearance fees vary depending on the event and the market, but can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars.

NBA Cheerleaders’ Budgeting Tips

o you want to be an NBA cheerleader? It’s not all fun and games. There’s a lot of work that goes into being an NBA cheerleader, and one of the things you have to be good at is budgeting. NBA cheerleaders make a decent salary, but they also have a lot of expenses. Let’s take a look at some budgeting tips for NBA cheerleaders.


As a professional NBA cheerleader, you will have to budget your money carefully in order to make ends meet. Although you will be paid a salary, it is important to remember that your income is not guaranteed and you may not always have work. It is important to have a plan for your finances so that you can weather the tough times and still be able to afford the things you want.

Here are some tips for saving money as an NBA cheerleader:

-Create a budget and stick to it. Track your spending and make sure that you are not overspending in any one area.
-Save up for big purchases instead of buying them on credit.
-Set aside money each month into savings so that you have a cushion in case of tough times.
– Invest in yourself by taking courses or learning new skills that can help you advance in your career.


Investing is one of the most important things you can do for your future. It allows you to grow your money while taking less risk than gambling or stock market speculation. Many people think that you need a lot of money to start investing, but that’s not true. You can start with a small amount of money and grow it over time.

There are two main types of investments: stocks and bonds. stocks are ownership interests in businesses, while bonds are loans that businesses or governments make to investors. Both have their own risks and rewards, so it’s important to understand the difference before you invest.

It’s also important to diversify your investments. This means investing in different types of stocks and bonds, as well as different companies and sectors. Diversification helps reduce your overall risk because it ensures that you’re not putting all your eggs in one basket.

If you’re not sure where to start, there are plenty of resources available to help you learn about investing. You can start by reading books or articles, chatting with friends or family who are invested, or even taking an online course. The most important thing is that you take the time to educate yourself before making any decisions.


Giving back is a very important aspect of being an NBA cheerleader. We feel it is our duty to give back to the community that supports us. Each year, we visit numerous hospitals, schools, and community events. It is our goal to make a difference in the lives of others and to help brighten their day.

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