How Much Does an NFL Ball Boy Make?

Have you ever wondered how much an NFL ball boy makes? We’ve got the answer, plus some background on what they do and how to become one.

NFL Ball Boy Salaries by Team

Ever wonder how much money an NFL ball boy makes? Ball boys for NFL teams are responsible for a variety of tasks, including retrieving balls for players during practices and games, shagging balls during kicking drills, and sometimes even delivering water to players on the sidelines. They also have to know a lot about the game of football and be able to execute their duties quickly and efficiently. So, how much do they get paid for all their hard work? Let’s take a look.

New England Patriots

The average salary for an NFL ball boy is $53,000. However, salaries can range from $25,000 to $75,000 per year. The New England Patriots reportedly pay their ball boys the highest salary in the NFL, at $100,000 per year.

Dallas Cowboys

The Dallas Cowboys are one of the most popular teams in the NFL, and they also happen to pay their ball boys quite well. According to a report from Forbes, the average salary for a Cowboys ball boy is $53,000 per year. That’s almost double the average salary for an NFL player, which is $2.7 million.

New York Jets

According to Huffington Post, NFL ball boys make an average of $53,000 per year. The website claims that the New York Jets pay their ball boys an annual salary of $75,000, which is the highest reported salary for ball boys in the NFL.

NFL Ball Boy Salaries by Position

Every year, young men all across America dream of one day working in the National Football League. While most of those dreamers never make it to the NFL, a select few are fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to work as ball boys for their favorite team. So, how much does an NFL ball boy make? Let’s take a look.

Special Teams

Special teams is a term used in American football to refer to units that specialize in the kicking game of the sport. The “special teams” comprise the punting team, the kicking team, and the return team. These units are distinguished from the offense and defense, which utilize mainly linemen and backfield players in an attempt to advance the ball downfield and score points respectively. Special teams generally seek to take advantage of favorable field position by attempting to produce a turnover or pinning their opponents deep within their own territory.

Punters are usually among the most experienced players on special teams and are often among the team’s best athletes with regards to their ability to run, catch and tackle. As such, punters are usually employed to handle kickoff and punt duties. Kickers tend to be smaller and slower than other players on the field but possess strong leg muscles for long distance kicking. Return specialists are typically among the fastest players on the team and have good vision and ball-handling skills.

The salaries of NFL special teams players vary depending on their position, experience and skill level. Ball boys can expect to earn between $30,000 and $50,000 per year at the professional level.


Quarterback: $10,000
Running back: $7,500
Wide receiver: $5,000
Tight end: $5,000
Offensive linemen: $3,500

Special teams
Punter/kicker: $2,500
Long snapper: $1,500


The average salary for an NFL ball boy is $53,000 per year. However, salaries can vary depending on the position. For example, the salary for a head ball boy is $75,000 per year. Salaries also depend on the team’s budget and the number of years of experience.

NFL Ball Boy Salaries by Experience

NFL ball boys make a pretty good salary, especially for someone who is not playing the game. The average salary for an NFL ball boy is $53,000 a year. However, salaries can range from $25,000 to $75,000 a year, depending on experience. NFL ball boys who have been in the league for a while and have a lot of experience can make up to $75,000 a year.


Rookie ball boys in the NFL can expect to make around $25,000 per year. With experience, salaries can increase to around $40,000 per year. NFL ball boys are responsible for a variety of duties during practices and games, including retrieving balls that go out of bounds and providing water and towels for players on the sidelines.


How much does an NFL ball boy make? Veteran ball boys can earn an annual salary of $60,000. That’s not too shabby for a part-time job!

How to Become an NFL Ball Boy

Ever wonder how much an NFL ball boy make? Becoming an NFL ball boy is not as easy as just showing up to an open tryout. There are actually a few steps involved in becoming an NFL ball boy. In this article, we will walk you through the process of becoming an NFL ball boy.

High School

In order to become an NFL ball boy, you must first complete high school. Once you have done so, you should then attempt to gain some experience working with the football team at your school, if possible. Even if you are not able to get a job with the football team, working as a general ball boy for any sport at your high school will give you some much-needed experience. If you are able to gain experience working with a football team, try to get a position that will put you in close contact with the players and coaches, such as a water boy or equipment manager.


If you want to become an NFL ball boy, the best way to do so is to start at the collegiate level. Most of the ball boys for NFL teams are recruited from major college programs. NCAA Division I and Division II schools typically have the most opportunities for ball boys.

To be eligible to work as a ball boy, you must be a full-time student at an accredited college or university. You must also be at least 18 years old and have a valid driver’s license.

The job of a ball boy is not easy. You will be responsible for a number of duties, including retrieving balls that go out of bounds, handling players’ personal belongings, and keeping the playing field clean. You will also be expected to attend all practices and games.

The pay for being an NFL ball boy is not bad either. Most teams pay their ball boys between $50 and $100 per game, with some teams paying more depending on the size of the stadium and the prestige of the team. There are also a number of perks that come with the job, such as free tickets to games, free team merchandise, and access to players and coaches.

Training Camps

NFL ball boys must be at least 18 years old, though some teams prefer that their ball boys be in their early-20s. Many players begin working as ball boys in high school or college and continue working for the team after they graduate.

During training camp, ball boys also help out with some of the team’s on-field drills. They may run short routes to catch passes or retrieve errant footballs during kicking drills. Training camp is the perfect time for ball boys to prove themselves to the coaching staff and earn a spot on the sidelines come game day.

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