How Much Does an NFL Football Weigh?

In this blog post, we’ll answer the question: How much does an NFL football weigh? We’ll also provide some context about the football’s size and dimensions.

How Much Does an NFL Football Weigh?


An NFL football is an article of equipment used in the game of American football. It isoval shaped and has a point at one end. It is made of cowhide and stuffed with either streamlined or corked rubber Bladders. The bladder is then covered with two layers of lining and four layers of winding. After that, the ball is covered with a rubberized material that has been molded into its distinctive shape. A valve is placed in the ball so that it can be inflated.

The Size and Weight of an NFL Football

An NFL football is typically around 11 to 11.5 inches long and 22 inches in circumference at its widest point. It weighs around 14 to 15 ounces. The size and weight of the football can vary slightly depending on the manufacturer.

Official Size

An NFL football is 11 to 11.25 inches (28 to 28.6 cm) long, with a 20-inch (51 cm) long circumference at its widest point. It weighs between 14 and 15 ounces (400 to 425 grams).

Official Weight

An NFL football is required to weigh between 14 and 15 ounces. The long-standing tradition of footballs being made by hand means that no two balls are exactly the same, but they must be within that specified range to be used in an NFL game. Although professional quarterbacks often prefer a ball that is on the lighter end of that spectrum, as it gives them more control over their throws.

The Materials Used in an NFL Football

An NFL football is made of four different materials. The innermost layer is the bladder, which is made of rubber. The bladder is then encased in two layers of polymer compounds. The outermost layer is made of a synthetic leather material. The football is then covered in a pebbled surface for a better grip.

The Cover

The cover of an NFL football is made of cowhide leather, which is tanned and dyed to a specific color. The cover must be uniform in color and free of defects, such as holes or tears. Once the cover is made, it is stitched to a backing material, which is usually made of rubber or synthetic composites.

The Bladder

At the heart of every football is the bladder, which can be made of natural latex rubber or a synthetic polymer like butyl. The type of bladder used will affect both the price and quality of the ball. genuine leather footballs are always made with natural latex rubber bladders for the highest level of play. However, synthetic bladders are often used in lower-priced balls because they are easier to produce.

Why the Weight and Size of an NFL Football Matters

An NFL football is not like any other type of football. It is bigger and heavier than a college football, for example. The weight and size of an NFL football matters because it affects how the game is played. A heavier football is easier to throw and catch, and it also does not travel as far when it is kicked.

For Players

American footballs have come a long way since 1874, when Yale players experimented with a round rugby ball and decided that it was too difficult to hold and throw. Today’s NFL football is made of cowhide leather, has a inflated rubber bladder inside, and is Regulation size and weight.

The weight of an NFL football has been standardized since 1941 at 14-16 ounces. This is lighter than a rugby ball, which can weigh up to 22 ounces. The size of the football has also been regulated since 1941. It must be between 11 and 11 1/2 inches long, and between 28 and 28 1/2 inches in circumference at the widest point. It is also required to have a line running around the center of the long axis, called a seems, that must be no more than 1/4 inch wide.

For Fans

Whether you are a diehard football fan or just enjoy watching the game from time to time, you have probably wondered how much an NFL football weighs and what size it is. The weight of an NFL football has been regulated by the league since 1941 and currently must weigh between 14 and 15 ounces. The size, on the other hand, has varied slightly over the years but is now required to be 11 to 11.25 inches long and 22 to 22.125 inches in circumference at its widest point.

So, why does the weight and size of an NFL football matter? Well, for one thing, it affects how far the quarterback can throw the ball. A heavier ball will not travel as far as a lighter one, all other things being equal. In addition, a larger ball is easier to grip and control than a smaller one, which is why quarterbacks often prefer balls that are on the upper end of the allowable weight range.

The weight and size of an NFL football also affects how well it can be handled by running backs and receivers. A heavier ball may be more difficult for a running back to carry, while a smaller ball may be more difficult for a receiver to catch. In general, however, most players do not seem to have a strong preference either way as long as the ball meets the league’s specifications.

So there you have it! Now you know everything there is to know about the weight and size of an NFL football!


After doing some research, we have found that an NFL football weighs between 14 and 15 ounces. This is quite a bit heavier than a regular size football, which typically weighs between 12 and 13 ounces.

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