How Much Does an NFL Referee Make Per Year?

How much does an NFL referee make per year? The answer may surprise you. NFL referees are some of the highest paid officials in all of professional sports.

NFL Referee Salaries

NFL referees make a lot of money. In fact, the average salary for an NFL referee is $173,000 per year. That’s a pretty good salary, especially when you compare it to other professions. However, there are a few things to keep in mind. NFL referees only work part-time, so they don’t make as much money as some other professionals who work full-time. NFL referees also have other sources of income, such as endorsements and appearance fees.

How much do NFL referees make per year?

NFL referees are some of the highest-paid officials in all of professional sports. According to Forbes, the average NFL referee salary for the 2017 season was $205,000, while the top-earning refs took home upwards of $300,000.

This is a significant increase from just a few years ago. In 2012, NFL referees were only making an average of $149,000 per year. So, how did they get such a significant pay raise?

It all has to do with a new collective bargaining agreement that was reached between the NFL and the NFL Referees Association (NFLRA) in September 2012. This agreement gave refs a significant pay raise, as well as increased pension benefits.

Since then, NFL referee salaries have only gone up. In fact, Forbes reports that the average salary for an NFL referee increased by 37% between 2013 and 2017.

So, how much do NFL referees make per year now? Here’s a breakdown of the average salary by season, according to Forbes:

2017: $205,000
2016: $200,000
2015: $173,000
2014: $173,000
2013: $149,000
As you can see, NFL referees are making more money than ever before. And with good reason — they’re responsible for keeping the game fair and safe for everyone involved.

How does the NFL referee salary compare to other professional sports?

In general, NFL referees earn more than officials in other professional sports leagues. According to Business Insider, the average salary for an NFL referee is $173,000 per year. This is significantly higher than the average salary for officials in the NBA ($110,000), MLB ($120,000), and NHL ($127,000).

However, it’s important to note that NFL referees only work part-time. They typically only work one game per week during the regular season, and they are not employed during the offseason. For comparison, NBA referees work an average of two games per week and are employed full-time year-round. MLB umpires also work full-time, but they typically only work three to four games per week.

In terms of annual income, NFL referees likely earn more than officials in other professional sports leagues when their salaries are adjusted for the number of hours worked. However, this comparison is difficult to make precisely because of the different ways that salaries are structured in each league.

NFL Referee Benefits

NFL referees officiate the games and are responsible for enforcing the rules of the game. They are also responsible for the safety of the players and making sure that the game is played fair. NFL referees make an average of $173,000 per year. NFL referees also receive benefits, such as health insurance and a pension plan.

What are the benefits of being an NFL referee?

In addition to a salary, NFL referees also receive a pension plan and 401K savings plan from the league. They also receive medical insurance and other benefits. The NFL provides funding for a retirement plan and a 401K savings plan for its referees.

How does the NFL pension plan work?

NFL referees are currently covered by a defined benefit pension plan. Under this type of plan, participants are provided with a formula to calculate their benefits. The typical benefit is based on years of credited service, age at retirement, and average pay over the highest five years of earnings.

As of 2007, new NFL referees are covered by a 401k plan and a defined contribution pension plan. The 401k plan has a salary deferral limit of $15,500 per year (plus catch-up contributions for participants aged 50 and over). The defined contribution pension plan has no salary deferral limit; however, benefits are based on contributions plus interest earned.

NFL Referee Training and Certification

Becoming an NFL referee is not an easy task. There are many training and certification requirements that you must go through before you can even step onto the field. However, once you become an NFL referee, you can look forward to a good salary. The average NFL referee makes around $173,000 per year.

How does one become an NFL referee?

There are many steps to becoming an NFL official. According to the National Football League’s website, interested individuals must:
1. Meet the minimum age requirement of 21 years old.
2. Possess a high school diploma or equivalent.
3. Pass a standardized physical exam.
4. Complete an intensive training program that lasts approximately seven months.
5. Officiate football at lower levels for at least five years before being eligible to apply for NFL certification.

What is the NFL referee training program like?

The National Football League referee training program is a seven-month course that is offered by the NFL. The aim of the program is to educate and train new referees in the rules, mechanics, and procedures of officiating an NFL game.

The program begins in July and culminates with a certified official working an NFL preseason game in August. In order to be eligible for the program, an applicant must be at least 21 years of age and have previous experience officiating football at the high school or collegiate level.

The first step in the program is to attend a regional training camp, where officials will learn about the NFL rules and officiating mechanics. Following regional training camp, officials will participate in two weeks of on-field training at the NFL Officiating Development Program (ODP) Camp.

After completing the regional training camp and ODP Camp, officials will be assigned to one of six crews where they will work together for the remainder of their careers. These six crews will then travel around the country to officiate preseason games.

During the regular season, each crew will typically work one game per week. In addition to their regular season duties, officials may also be assigned to work playoff games, which are typically played on weekends.

What are the requirements to become an NFL referee?

To become an NFL referee, you must be at least 18 years old and have experience officiating football at the high school or collegiate level. You must also pass a physical examination and undergo a background check. Once you have met these requirements, you can attend one of the NFL’s officiating development programs.

The NFL’s officiating development programs are designed to teach prospective officials the rules of the game and prepare them for the rigors of officiating at the professional level. The programs culminate with a written and on-field examination. If you pass the examination, you will be placed on a waiting list for an opportunity to officiate preseason and regular season games.

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