How Much Does It Cost To Host An Esports Event?

A comprehensive guide on the cost of hosting an esports event, from equipment and location to staffing and marketing.

How Much Does It Cost To Host An Esports Event?


With the growing popularity of esports, more and more people are wondering how much it costs to host an esports event. The answer, of course, depends on a number of factors, including the size and scale of the event, the location, and the type of games being played.

To give you an idea of ​​the range of costs involved in hosting an esports event, we’ve put together a list of some recent events and their estimated budgets. These numbers are by no means exhaustive – they’re simply meant to give you a sense of the wide range of costs associated with hosting an esports event.

-The International: $ 18 million
-League of Legends World Championship: $ 5 million
-Halo World Championship: $ 2.5 million
-Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Major: $ 1 million
-Heroes of the Storm World Championship: $ 500,000

Venue Costs

While the cost of hosting an eSports event can vary depending on the size and scale of the event, there are some general costs that are associated with most eSports events. One of the biggest costs is the cost of renting or leasing a venue for the event. This can be a significant cost, particularly if you are looking to host a large event.

Venue Rental

The costs of renting a venue will depend on the location, size, and duration of the event. The average cost to rent a small venue (e.g. a school gymnasium) for a one-day event is $500. For a larger venue (e.g. an arena), the average cost is $5,000 per day. If you need to rent the venue for multiple days, you can expect to pay a discounted rate of $4,500 per day.

Venue Deposits

When you’re planning an eSports event, the venue is one of the most important things to consider. Not only do you need to find a place that’s big enough to accommodate your crowd, but you also need to make sure it has the right set-up for your needs. And of course, you need to stay within your budget.

The cost of venues can vary widely, so it’s important to do your research and compare prices before you commit to anything. Keep in mind that the size of the venue is one of the biggest factors that will affect the price. Smaller venues will be less expensive than larger ones, but they may not have enough space for your event.

In addition to the rental fee, most venues will require a deposit. This is typically a percentage of the total cost, and it’s meant to ensure that you don’t damage the property or leave any trash behind when you leave. Be sure to ask about deposits when you’re getting quotes from different venues.

Production Costs

Producing an esports event can be costly, with the most important factor being the size of the event. Smaller events will have less production costs than large-scale events. Other important factors that affect production costs are the number of cameras, graphics, and other equipment needed.

Tournament Production

The cost of producing an esports tournament can vary widely depending on the scale and scope of the event. A small, local tournament may cost a few thousand dollars to produce, while a large international event can cost millions.

To get a sense of how much it might cost to produce an esports tournament, let’s break down the costs of some of the most popular types of events.

LAN tournaments:

The cost of hosting a LAN tournament will depend on the venue rental fees, equipment costs, and staff salaries. Venue rental fees can range from a few hundred dollars for smaller venues to tens of thousands of dollars for larger venues. Equipment costs will also vary depending on the size and scale of the event, but can include things like PCs, consoles, monitors, and other gaming equipment. Finally, staff salaries will need to be considered for things like event coordinators, referees, and other positions. All told, the cost of producing a LAN tournament can range from a few thousand dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Online tournaments:

The cost of producing an online tournament will be similar to that of a LAN tournament, with venue rental fees, equipment costs, and staff salaries all needing to be considered. However, since online tournaments do not require physical venues or travel for participants, they will typically be less expensive to produce than LAN tournaments. All told, the cost of producing an online tournament can range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars.

Major international events:

The cost of producing a major international event can be extremely high due to the need for large venues, extensive equipment rentals, and many staff members. Additionally, many international events offers large prize pools that can add tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to the overall production costs. All told, the cost of producing a major international event can range from hundreds of thousands of dollars to millionsof dollars.

Livestreaming Production

The first and most obvious cost of livestreaming is the equipment. A single livestreaming rig can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars. If you don’t have the equipment already, you’ll need to factor in the cost of renting or buying it.

In addition to the equipment, you’ll need to pay for a high-speed internet connection. Many gaming tournaments are now streamed in 4K, which requires a lot of bandwidth. You’ll also need to pay for any software you use to manage the stream, as well as any plugins or extensions.

Finally, you’ll need to pay your staff. This includes your commentators, analysts, and anyone else who is helping to produce the stream. While many people are willing to work for free or for a reduced rate, you should still expect to pay your staff a reasonable wage.

Marketing Costs

The cost of marketing your event will greatly depend on the size and scope of your event. A small local event may only require a few hundred dollars to market effectively, while a large international event could cost millions. There are a number of ways to market your event, and the most effective approach will vary depending on your budget.


Advertising is one of the most important aspects of marketing, especially when it comes to promoting events. To generate interest and excitement, you need to get your event in front of as many people as possible, and advertising is the best way to do that.

The cost of advertising will vary depending on the size and scope of your event, but it’s important to remember that it’s a necessary part of the marketing budget. Failure to properly advertise an event can lead to low turnout and disappointing results.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when it comes to budgeting for advertising:

-Determine the target audience for your event and choose advertising channels that will reach them.
-Think about the timing of your ads – you don’t want to start too early and risk people forgetting about your event, but you also don’t want to wait too long and leave yourself without enough time to promote effectively.
-Don’t be afraid to think outside the box – traditional advertising channels (like television or print) can be expensive, so consider other options like online ads, social media, or even word-of-mouth promotion.
-Budget for multiple rounds of advertising – one ad campaign is unlikely to generate enough interest, so plan on running ads several times leading up to your event.

Social Media Marketing

There are a variety of ways to market an esports event, but one of the most effective is through social media. Social media allows you to reach a large audience quickly and easily, and it gives you the opportunity to create a connection with your potential attendees.

However, social media marketing can be expensive, and it can be difficult to determine how much you should budget for your campaign. Here are a few factors to consider when determining your social media marketing budget:

-The size of your audience: If you have a large audience, you will need to spend more on your social media marketing campaign in order to reach them all.
-The platforms you use: Some platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, are free to use. Others, such as Snapchat and Instagram, charge for access to their platforms.
-Your objectives: What do you want to achieve with your social media marketing campaign? If you have specific objectives, such as increasing ticket sales or generating awareness for your event, you will need to spend more on your campaign in order to achieve these goals.

In general, you should expect to spend at least $500 on your social media marketing campaign for an esports event. However, if you have a large audience or specific objectives, you may need to spend more.

Player Costs

To some, the cost of hosting an esports event is worth it for the prize pool. After all, the more money that’s up for grabs, the more likely players are to compete. But what about the costs to the players themselves? If you’re planning on hosting an esports event, you need to take into account the costs of the players. In this section, we’ll be talking about the player costs of hosting an esports event.

Player Stipends

Many esports organizations give their players a monthly stipend in addition to any tournament winnings or salary from streaming or advertisements. The average stipend for an esports player is between $1,000 and $3,000 per month, with some top organizations offering up to $5,000 per month. The stipend covers basic living expenses and leaves the players with enough disposable income to purchase gaming equipment, attend tournaments, and cover other costs associated with being a professional gamer.

Player Housing

Finding and securing temporary housing for all your players is one of the most important, and expensive, aspects of hosting an esports event. You’ll want to find a location that is close to the venue so that your players can easily get to and from the event. You’ll also want to make sure that the housing is comfortable and has all the amenities that your players will need.

Depending on the size of your event, you may be able to find a hotel or other type of lodging that can accommodate all your players. If you’re hosting a smaller event, you may need to rent out multiple Airbnbs or other short-term rentals. Either way, you should expect to spend at least $50 per player per night on housing.


esports is a new and upcoming industry with a lot of potential. The costs of hosting an esports event can vary depending on the scale and size of the event. Generally, smaller local events can be hosted for less than $1000, while large international events can cost upwards of $100,000.

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