How Much Does It Cost To Run A NFL Team?

The cost of running a NFL team can vary greatly depending on the team’s success and the market it is located in.


Since the National Football League (NFL) was founded in 1920, it has become America’s most popular sports league. Today, the NFL is a multi-billion-dollar enterprise, with 32 teams competing in a 17-week regular season, followed by a postseason that culminates in the Super Bowl—the biggest annual sporting event in the United States.

But just how much does it cost to run an NFL team? This is a difficult question to answer, as there are a number of variables to consider. For example, the cost of running an NFL team will vary depending on whether the team is playing in a brand-new stadium or an older one; whether it is located in a small market or a large one; and so on.

Nevertheless, there are some basic costs that all NFL teams must incur. These include: player salaries and benefits; coaches’ salaries; the cost of running training camps; travel expenses for away games; and costs associated with operating the team’s home stadium (e.g., security, game-day staff).

In addition, all NFL teams must pay “league fees” to cover the costs of things like officiating, drug testing, and other league-wide initiatives. According to Forbes magazine, these fees totaled $327 million per team in 2017.

Given all of these expenses, it’s not surprising that operating an NFL team is not cheap. In fact, according to Forbes magazine, the average NFL team was worth $2.52 billion in 2017—making it the most valuable sports franchise in the world.

The Costs of an NFL Team

It costs a lot of money to run a NFL team. The average cost of an NFL team is $1.43 billion. That is a lot of money! The NFL is a very popular sport and it is expensive to run a team. There are many costs that go into running an NFL team. Some of these costs include: player salaries, coaching staff salaries, facility costs, and travel expenses.

Salary Cap

The NFL’s salary cap is the total amount of money that each team is allowed to spend on player salaries for the year. The cap is set by the NFL before each season and is based on several factors, including the league’s revenue from the previous year.

For the 2021 season, the salary cap is set at $182.5 million per team. That means that each team can spend up to that amount on players’ salaries for the year. However, teams don’t have to spend all of their cap space, and many choose to carry over some of their unused space to future seasons.

The salary cap affects every team in the NFL and has a big impact on how teams are built. Teams that are close to the cap often have to make tough decisions about which players to keep and which to let go. And when star players get close to the end of their contracts, teams have to decide whether they’re worth the money they’ll be asking for.

The salary cap is one of the most important aspects of the NFL, and it’s something that all fans should be aware of.

Player Salaries

The average player salary in the NFL was $2.7 million in 2017, according to “USA Today.” The highest-paid player in the league is quarterbacks, who averaged $4.4 million a year. The lowest-paid position is fullback, which averaged $1.2 million per year. These numbers will continue to rise as the NFL’s popularity and television contracts grow.

The top-paid player in the NFL is Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers, who makes an annual salary of $33.5 million. Rodgers is followed by Detroit Lions quarterback Matthew Stafford at $27 million and Oakland Raiders quarterback Derek Carr at $25 million.

Coaching Salaries

In the NFL, the head coach is the highest paid person on the team, usually making several million dollars per year. Coordinators and other assistant coaches make considerably less, but still earn several hundred thousand dollars annually. Most of a coach’s compensation comes from his base salary, but he can also earn bonuses based on the team’s performance. For example, many coaches receive a bonus if they win their division or make the playoffs.

Stadium Costs

The average cost of an NFL stadium is $1.2 billion. The most expensive stadium ever built was the Dallas Cowboys Stadium, which cost $1.3 billion to construct. The least expensive stadium was the Green Bay Packers Stadium, which cost $295 million to build. NFL stadiums are typically financed through a combination of public and private funds.

Other Operating Expenses

Other operating expenses for an NFL team include things like:
-Team travel, which can be a significant expense for a team that plays games all over the country
-Security, both at the team’s stadium and during away games
-Medical staff and equipment
-Coaching staff salaries
-Marketing and promotional expenses
-Office space and administrative costs

Revenue of an NFL Team

An NFL team’s revenue can come from many sources. The most important source is probably the team’s performance on the field. A winning team will generate more income from ticket sales, merchandise sales, and concessions than a losing team. Much of an NFL team’s revenue comes from its share of the league’s television contract. The NFL has a very lucrative television contract that pays each team about $100 million per year.

Ticket Sales

Ticket sales are the lifeblood of any NFL team. In order to compete, teams need to generate enough revenue to cover their expenses. The average ticket price for an NFL game is $87, but prices can vary significantly depending on the team and the location of the game. For example, a ticket to see the Dallas Cowboys play at home in Arlington, Texas, can cost over $200.

Teams also generate revenue from other sources, such as merchandise sales, television rights fees, and sponsorship deals. But ticket sales are the most important source of revenue for most teams.

Merchandise Sales

The NFL is a business and businesses need to make money. One way NFL teams generate revenue is through the sale of merchandise. Fans love to show their support for their favorite team by buying jerseys, hats, T-shirts, and other team-branded merchandise. In 2017, the Dallas Cowboys generated the most revenue from merchandise sales, bringing in $250 million. The New England Patriots were second with $235 million in sales, followed by the New York Giants with $160 million.

Broadcast Rights

The NFL earns most of their revenue from broadcast rights. In 2014, the NFL signed a nine-year $27 billion contract with NBC, CBS, and FOX. This sum averages out to be about $3 billion per year. This does not include the revenue from ESPN’s Monday Night Football games or the Thursday Night Football games that are broadcast on both CBS and NBC. The league also has a four-year $1.9 billion deal with DirecTV for Sunday Ticket.


In conclusion, it is evident that there are a lot of different expenses that go into running a NFL team. From the salaries of the players and coaches, to the cost of maintaining the stadium and other facilities, it all adds up. While it may be expensive to run a team, it is clear that the benefits far outweigh the costs. The NFL brings in billions of dollars in revenue each year, and this helps to support many different businesses and jobs. Not to mention, the entertainment value that NFL teams provide to fans all over the world is priceless.

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