How Much Does an NFL Coach Make?

How much does an NFL coach make? The answer may surprise you. Coaches in the National Football League earn an average of $2.5 million per year.


In the National Football League, head coaches are the highest-paid employees on any given team’s payroll. In 2019, the average yearly salary for an NFL head coach was $7 million. The highest-paid head coach in 2019 was Bill Belichick of the New England Patriots, who earned $12 million that year.

NFL Coaches’ Salaries

The average NFL coach’s salary is $2.75 million per year, according to Business Insider. That’s more than double the average salaries for coaches in the NBA, MLB, and NHL. NFL coaches make the most money of any coaches in professional sports.

Head coaches

As of the 2019 season, the average annual salary for an NFL head coach is $6.45 million, according to USA Today’s coaching salary database. That puts head coaches among the highest-paid employees in the league, behind only players and general managers.

However, there is a wide range of salaries for head coaches across the league. The highest-paid head coach is New England Patriots’ Bill Belichick, who makes $12 million per year. The lowest-paid head coach is Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ Dirk Koetter, who makes $2 million per year.

Head coaches’ salaries can also vary depending on their team’s success. For example, Coaches whose teams make it to the playoffs can earn bonuses ranging from $500,000 to $2 million, according to Business Insider.

Assistant coaches

Assistant coaches in the National Football League are paid more than assistant coaches in any other professional sport. In 2012, the average salary for an NFL assistant coach was $316,000, according to USA Today. That same year, the average salary for an NBA assistant coach was $155,000, while MLB assistant coaches made an average of $140,000.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the high salaries of NFL assistant coaches. First and foremost, the NFL is the most popular and profitable professional sports league in the world. In 2017, the NFL generated $14 billion in revenue, which is more than double what it generated just 10 years earlier. As the league continues to grow in popularity and profitability, so too will the salaries of its coaches.

Another factor that contributes to high coaching salaries is the fact that there are only 32 teams in the NFL. This means that there are far fewer coaching positions available than there are in other professional sports leagues. For example, there are 30 teams in the NBA and MLB and 20 teams in the NHL. This relative scarcity of jobs drives up demand and salaries for those who are fortunate enough to land a coaching position in the NFL.

How NFL Coaches’ Salaries Are Determined

NFL coaches are some of the highest-paid professionals in the world, but their salaries don’t always reflect their on-field success. So how are NFL coaches’ salaries determined? In this article, we’ll take a look at how NFL coaches’ salaries are set and how they compare to other professional coaches.

Individual team’s budget

An NFL coach’s salary is determined by a number of factors, including the team’s budget, the coach’s experience and success, and the going rate for comparable coaches around the league.

In recent years, the average salary for an NFL head coach has been around $3 million per year. However, there is a wide range of salaries among NFL coaches, with some making much more than that and some making much less.

The highest-paid NFL coach is Bill Belichick of the New England Patriots, who reportedly makes more than $7 million per year. Belichick has been one of the most successful coaches in NFL history, winning six Super Bowls with the Patriots.

At the other end of the spectrum is Hue Jackson of the Cleveland Browns, who was reportedly making just $2.5 million per year before he was fired in 2018. Jackson was one of the least successful coaches in NFL history, winning just three games in two-and-a-half seasons with the Browns.

The coach’s winning record

In the NFL, a coach’s winning record is the primary determinant of his salary. While other factors such as the team’s overall performance, the offensive and defensive schemes employed, and the coach’s experience all play a role in how much he is paid, his base salary is directly tied to his win-loss record.

The NFL has a set scale for base salaries based on a coach’s career winning percentage. For example, a coach with a .500 career winning percentage will earn a base salary that is lower than a coach with a .550 winning percentage. In general, the higher a coach’s career winning percentage, the higher his base salary will be.

In addition to their base salaries, coaches also receive bonuses for their team’s performance. These bonuses are typically based on their team’s finishing position in the standings and can range from a few thousand dollars to over $1 million.

The coach’s experience

One of the biggest things that determines how much an NFL coach makes is their experience. A first-year head coach will make significantly less than a coach who’s been in the league for several years. In fact, the average salary for a first-year head coach is just over $1 million, while the average salary for a veteran head coach is more than $6 million. The reason for this discrepancy is simple: experience matters. NFL teams are more likely to trust and give more responsibility to a coach who’s been around the block a few times, and they’re willing to pay them handsomely for it.


In conclusion, NFL coaches are among the highest-paid professionals in the country. The average salary for an NFL head coach is $2.5 million per year, while the median salary is $1.8 million per year. However, there is a wide range of salaries for NFL coaches, with some head coaches making as much as $7 million per year and some assistant coaches making as little as $60,000 per year.

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