How Much Do NFL Referees Make in a Year?

How much do NFL referees make in a year? We break down the average salary and earnings by game, week, and season for NFL referees.

How Much Do NFL Referees Make in a Year?


National Football League (NFL) referees preside over professional football games, ensuring that the players abide by the rules of the game and enforcing penalties when necessary. In order to become an NFL referee, individuals must have experience officiating football games at lower levels, such as high school or college, and must complete a training program administered by the NFL.

So, how much do NFL referees make in a year? According to Business Insider, the average salary for an NFL referee is $173,000 per year. However, salaries can range from $110,000 to $205,000 per year, depending on experience and position. For example, new referees who are just starting out in the league may earn closer to $110,000 per year, while more experienced referees who have been with the league for several years may earn closer to $205,000 per year.

How Much Do NFL Referees Make Per Game?

NFL referees make an average of $205,000 per season, but that amount can vary widely depending on a number of factors. For example, veteran referees who have worked for the NFL for many years can earn as much as $500,000 per season. Newer referees, on the other hand, may only make $149,000 in their first year on the job. In addition, NFL referees who work playoff games or the Super Bowl can earn significant bonuses on top of their regular salaries.

How Much Do NFL Referees Make Per Year?

As of 2019, NFL referees make an annual salary of $205,000, which is an increase of around $17,000 from their 2018 pay. In addition to their game-day salaries, referees also receive a pension and 401(k), and they are eligible for playoff bonuses.

How Much Do NFL Referees Make in Their Career?

In the NFL, the average salary for a referee is $173,000 a year. However, NFL referees make a lot more than just their annual salary. They also get paid for preseason games, postseason games, and special events like the Pro Bowl and the Super Bowl. NFL referees also get paid an additional amount of money for working on Thursday Night Football and Monday Night Football games. So, how much do NFL referees make in their career?

Preseason games: $1,500 per game
Regular season games: $4,000 per game
Thursday Night Football: $5,000 per game
Monday Night Football: $6,000 per game
Postseason games: $8,000 per game
Pro Bowl: $10,000
Super Bowl: $20,000


In conclusion, NFL referees make a pretty decent salary, especially when you compare it to other jobs. However, it is important to keep in mind that this is a part-time job and that most of the refs have other full-time jobs. So, while they may be making good money, they’re certainly not raking in the dough.

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