How Much Does the Average NFL Player Make?

How much does the average NFL player make? This is a question that is often asked by fans of the sport. While the answer may vary depending on a number of factors, the average salary for an NFL player is $2.1 million per year.


NFL players’ salaries range widely, from a few thousand dollars per year to tens of millions. The average player in the league earns just over $2 million per year, though the median salary is closer to $1.75 million. However, these figures can be misleading, as they do not take into account the fact that many players are only in the league for a few years and may never earn a large salary. In addition, players who are drafted in the first round of the NFL draft tend to earn much higher salaries than those who are drafted in later rounds or who are signed as free agents.

What is the average NFL player salary?

The average NFL player salary in 2019 is $2.7 million, a significant increase from $1.9 million in 2009. The median salary for all players is $860,000, meaning half of the league’s players make more than that and half make less. However, the top 25% of all players make an average of $4 million per year while the bottom 25% make an average of $860,000 per year.

Many factors contribute to a player’s salary, including their position, experience, performance, and the size of their contract. The minimum salary for an NFL player in 2019 is $495,000, which is significantly higher than the minimum wage in most developed countries. The highest-paid player in the league is quarterback Russell Wilson of the Seattle Seahawks, who makes an annual salary of $35 million.

What is the average salary by position?

The average salary for an NFL player is $2.7 million, according to a report from the Washington Post. The report found that quarterbacks are the highest-paid position, with an average salary of $4 million. Running backs are the second-highest-paid position, with an average salary of $3 million. Defensive backs are the third-highest-paid position, with an average salary of $2.6 million.

Other positions in the top 10 highest-paid include: wide receivers ($2.5 million), offensive linemen ($2.4 million), linebacker ($2.1 million) and defensive linemen ($2 million).

What is the average salary by experience?

The average salary for an NFL player is $2 million per year, but this varies greatly depending on experience. Rookies in the NFL can expect to make an average of $1 million per year, while experienced players can make much more. The highest-paid player in the NFL currently makes $25 million per year, while the lowest-paid player makes just $480,000 per year.

How do NFL player salaries compare to other professional athletes?

The average salary for an NFL player is $2.1 million per year, which is the highest average salary of any professional sport. However, it is important to note that the NFL has a salary cap in place, which means that each team can only spend a certain amount of money on player salaries. The salary cap for the 2020 season is $198.2 million. This means that the average salary for an NFL player is actually quite a bit lower than the salaries of some other professional athletes. For example, the average MLB player makes $4.4 million per year, and the average NBA player makes $7.8 million per year.


In conclusion, the average NFL player makes a salary of $2 million per year. However, the median salary is much lower, at $860,000 per year. There is a wide disparity in salaries among NFL players, with some of the top players making over $20 million per year.

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