How Much Does The NFL Make Per Year?

How much does the NFL make per year? This is a question that many people have. The NFL makes a lot of money every year, and this blog will attempt to break down how they make so much money.

How Much Does The NFL Make Per Year?

How the NFL Makes Money

The NFL is a business and it generates a lot of money. The main source of revenue for the NFL is from television rights fees. The NFL has a contract with ESPN, CBS, FOX, and NBC. These networks pay the NFL billions of dollars per year for the right to broadcast NFL games. The NFL also generates revenue from ticket sales, merchandising, and sponsorship deals.

Media Rights

TV rights are the biggest moneymaker for the NFL, bringing in billions of dollars every year. The NFL has long-term broadcast contracts with several networks, including CBS, NBC, and FOX. These deals are worth a combined $4.4 billion per year through 2022. ABC broadcasts Monday Night Football games under a separate $1.9 billion contract that runs through 2021.

In addition to its broadcast partners, the NFL also has cable deals with ESPN and NFL Network. These deals are worth $2.5 billion and $1.4 billion per year, respectively, and both run through 2021.

Beyond TV, the NFL generates revenue from digital media rights. The league signed a four-year, $400 million deal with Verizon in 2015 that gives the carrier exclusive streaming rights to in-market and national games on any device. In 2017, the NFL signed a 10-year extension of its partnership with DirecTV that is worth an estimated $1.5 billion per year.


The NFL makes a large chunk of its revenue from merchandising. This includes selling items like jerseys, t-shirts, hats, and other apparel with team logos. It also includes selling memorabilia like footballs and other collectibles. The NFL also has licensing agreements in place that allow companies to use team logos on a variety of products. These products include things like video games, toys, and household items. The NFL reportedly made $1.6 billion in merchandise revenue in 2014.


Though it might not seem like it from the high ticket prices, ticket sales account for a relatively small amount of the NFL’s revenue. In 2017, tickets brought in around $9.5 billion, which made up less than a third of the league’s total income.

How Much Money the NFL Makes Per Year

The National Football League (NFL) is a professional American football league. The NFL makes a lot of money every year from many sources. Some of their revenue comes from broadcasting rights, ticket sales, and merchandise sales. In this article, we will take a look at how much money the NFL makes per year.


The NFL makes a lot of money every year. In fact, it is one of the most profitable sports leagues in the world. The league generates revenue through a variety of sources, including TV rights fees, sponsorships, and ticket sales.

In recent years, the NFL has been making more money than ever before. In 2017, the league generated $14 billion in revenue. This was an 8% increase from the previous year. The vast majority of this revenue came from TV rights fees. In 2017, the NFL generated $7.3 billion from TV rights fees alone.

The NFL has long been one of the most popular sports leagues in the United States. In recent years, its popularity has only increased. This is evident in the high ratings that the league’s broadcasts get on a weekly basis. The popularity of the NFL has also led to increased demand for tickets to games. Indeed, ticket prices have been on the rise in recent years.

The NFL’s popularity is also evident in its sponsorships deals. Big businesses are eager to associate themselves with the league because they know that doing so will give them access to a large and passionate fanbase. In 2017, the NFL generated $1.6 billion from sponsorships alone. This was an increase of 3% from 2016.

As you can see, the NFL is a very lucrative business. The league generates billions of dollars in revenue every year and shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon.


In 2015, the NFL’s total revenue was $12.4 billion. Of that, $5.1 billion came from television rights fees, $1.2 billion came from stadium revenue, and $1.0 billion came from licensing and merchandising revenue. The rest came from a variety of other sources, including ticket sales, digital media rights, and sponsorship agreements.

The NFL’s expenses in 2015 were $5.3 billion, giving the league a profit of $7.1 billion. The majority of the league’s expenses went to player salaries and benefits ($4.4 billion), followed by game officials ($116 million) and stadium operations ($112 million).


How much money does the NFL make per year? This is a difficult question to answer because the NFL does not publicly release its financial information. However, we can look at the revenue and expenses for the NFL as a whole to get an idea of how much profit the league makes each year.

According to Forbes, the NFL generated $13 billion in revenue in 2017. Of that, $5 billion came from television rights fees, $1.4 billion came from ticket sales, and $7.3 billion came from sponsorships and other sources. The NFL also has expenses, such as player salaries, which totaled $4.5 billion in 2017. Other expenses include things like travel, stadium costs, and team operations. Based on these numbers, it is safe to say that the NFL makes a profit of several billion dollars each year.

How the NFL’s Money is Distributed

The NFL is a billion dollar industry and it seems like they are making more money every year. A lot of that money is made through television contracts, ticket sales, and merchandise. But where does all that money go? Let’s take a look at how the NFL’s money is distributed.

Players’ Salaries

The way the NFL distributes its money has been a contentious issue for players, teams, and fans for years. In particular, the question of how much money each player gets paid has been thrust into the spotlight in recent years.

The main source of revenue for the NFL is television contracts. In 2014, the NFL signed a 9-year contract with CBS, NBC, and FOX that is worth $27 billion dollars. This works out to about $3 billion per year. The NFL also has a contract with ESPN that is worth $1.9 billion per year and runs through 2021. Finally, the NFL has a contract with DirecTV that is worth $1.5 billion per year and runs through 2022.

In total, this comes to about $6.4 billion per year in revenue from television contracts alone. The NFL also generates revenue from ticket sales, merchandise sales, and other sources, but television is by far the largest source of revenue for the league.

So how does this revenue get distributed? The answer is that it depends on a number of factors. First, each team gets an equal share of the total revenue generated by the league. This comes to about $255 million per team per year.

In addition to this equal share, each team also gets a “pool” of money that is divided among its players based on a number of factors such as playing time, performance bonuses, and Pro Bowl appearances. This pool of money is called the “salary cap,” and it was $155 million per team in 2014.

Finally, each team also gets a share of the league’s annual “media rights” fees which are paid by television networks in exchange for broadcasting rights to NFL games. These fees are divided among all 32 teams based on a number of factors such as market size and number of games broadcast on national television networks. For 2014, each team received $98 million from these media rights fees.

In total, each team had about $416 million to spend on player salaries in 2014. This does not include revenues from things like ticket sales and merchandise sales which are kept by the teams themselves rather than being shared with the league as a whole.

Owners’ Profits

The biggest portion of the NFL’s money goes to the owners of the 32 teams in the league. In 2010, Forbes magazine estimated that the average NFL team was worth $1.028 billion, up 11 percent from 2009. The Dallas Cowboys were at the top of list with a value of $1.8 billion, while the Buffalo Bills were at the bottom with a value of $834 million.

The split of revenue between the owners and players is not public, but it has been estimated that the owners take about 53 percent of all revenue generated by the league. That means that in 2010, the average NFL team generated about $277 million in profit for its owner.

League Expenses

The NFL does not release its financial records, but Forbes magazine estimated that the league took in about $9.5 billion in revenue in 2017. The majority of that money comes from television rights fees. In 2014, the NFL signed a nine-year, $27 billion deal with CBS, NBC, Fox and ESPN. That averages out to about $3 billion per year. Other sources of revenue include ticket sales, licensing fees and sponsorships.

The NFL distributed $7.8 billion to its 32 teams in 2017, according to Forbes. That works out to an average of about $244 million per team. The bulk of that money comes from television rights fees and is split equally among the teams. Each team also gets an equal share of sponsored revenue, which includes money from league partners like DirecTV and Nike.

Other sources of revenue are divided up based on a team’s performance. For example, teams that make the playoffs get a bigger share of ticket sales and licensing fees than teams that don’t make the playoffs. The Super Bowl-winning team also gets a larger share of league-wide revenue than the runner-up.

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