How Much Does The Water Boy Make In The Nfl?

How much does the average water boy make in the NFL? We break down the earnings by position and team.


What is the water boy’s job in the NFL?

The water boy’s job in the NFL is to provide water for the players on the sidelines during games. They also have to keep track of how much water each player drinks and make sure that they stay hydrated.

How much does the water boy make in the NFL?

It’s no secret that NFL players make a lot of money. But what about the people who support them on the sidelines? How much does the water boy make in the NFL?

The answer may surprise you. While there is no set salary for water boys, they can expect to make around $53,000 per year. That’s more than double the average yearly salary in the United States!

So why do water boys make so much money? There are a few reasons. First of all, they have a very important job. They need to make sure that the players are properly hydrated during games and practices. This is essential to the players’ safety and performance.

Secondly, water boys usually have other responsibilities, such as taking care of the team’s equipment. They also need to be able to keep up with the team’s travel schedule. This can be a demanding job, but it comes with a lot of perks!

If you’re interested in becoming a water boy for an NFL team, there are a few things you need to do. First of all, you need to be in excellent physical shape. You will need to be able to run long distances and lift heavy objects.

You also need to have a good knowledge of sports and stay up-to-date on all of the latest news in the NFL. Finally, you’ll need to be able to handle pressure well. After all, you’ll be responsible for keeping the players hydrated during some of the most intense moments of their careers!

How does the water boy’s salary compare to other NFL positions?

While the average salary for an NFL player is $2 million per year, the average salary for a water boy is only $53,000 per year. That means that the average NFL player makes 38 times more money than the average water boy. Of course, there is a wide range of salaries for both positions, and the highest-paid water boy could make more money than the lowest-paid NFL player.

What are the water boy’s responsibilities?

The water boy’s responsibilities are to make sure that all the players and coaches have enough water to drink during practice and games. He also has to make sure that the field is kept clean and dry.

What are some of the water boy’s duties?

The water boy is responsible for providing water and ice for the players, coaches and staff of an NFL team. He is also responsible for setting up and maintaining the cooler and drink stations on the sidelines, in the locker room and in the meeting rooms. He must make sure that all of the players have access to water at all times during practices and games.

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