How Much Is an NBA Pension?

How much is an NBA pension? According to Article VII of the NBA collective bargaining agreement, any player who has played in the NBA for at least three years is eligible to receive a pension.

How Much Is an NBA Pension?


The NBA pension plan is a retirement plan for professional basketball players who have played in the NBA for at least three years. The pension plan is funded by the league’s television revenue and a portion of the players’ salaries.

As of 2018, the pension plan provides an annual benefit of $60,000 to eligible players. The amount of the benefit increases by $5,000 for each additional year of service, up to a maximum of $110,000 per year.

To receive the full pension benefit, a player must have played in the NBA for at least 10 years. Players who have played between three and nine years will receive a pro-rated benefit based on their years of service.

Players who are not yet eligible for benefits can choose to defer their benefits until they reach age 65. If a player dies before reaching age 65, their beneficiaries will receive a lump sum payment equal to the value of the player’s accrued benefits.

What is an NBA pension?

An NBA pension is a retirement plan for players who have been in the league for at least three years. The pension provides a certain amount of money per month to retirees, based on how long they played in the league and their final year of salary.

How much is an NBA pension?

The average NBA pension is $56,944 a year, according to a report from ESPN. The median pension is $39, 324. For comparison, the average Social Security benefit is $1,471 per month, or about $17,652 per year.

To qualify for an NBA pension, players must have played at least three years in the league. pensions are paid out starting at age 45. Players can start collecting benefits as early as age 62 if they played for 20 years, but their benefits will be reduced by 1/3 if they start collecting before they reach normal retirement age.

Pensions are paid for life and are not reduced if a player goes on to earn income in retirement from sources such as broadcasting or coaching.

How are NBA pensions funded?

NBA pensions are funded through a combination of league funding and player contributions. NBA players are required to contribute 5 percent of their salary to the pension fund each year, while the league contributes an additional amount based on league revenue. In order to receive a pension, a player must have played in at least three NBA seasons.

What are the benefits of an NBA pension?

An NBA pension is a retirement plan that is available to players who have played in the NBA for at least three years. The pension is funded by a percentage of each players’ annual salary, and it provides benefits to players who are at least 55 years old and have been out of the NBA for at least three years. The pension benefit is calculated using a formula that takes into account the number of years a player has played in the NBA, their average salary, and the age at which they retire.

The pension benefit is paid out monthly for the rest of a player’s life, and it is adjusted for inflation each year. If a player dies before they reach retirement age, their beneficiaries will receive a portion of the pension benefit.

The NBA pension is just one of several retirement plans that are available to NBA players. Other retirement plans include 401(k) plans, IRA accounts, and annuities.

Who is eligible for an NBA pension?

Players are eligible for an NBA pension if they play at least three years in the league. The amount of the pension is based on the number of years played, and it is paid out in monthly installments.

How to apply for an NBA pension

If you played in the NBA for at least three years, you are eligible to receive a pension when you turn 65. The amount of your pension is based on the number of years you played in the NBA. For example, if you played for five years, you would receive $9000 per year. If you played for ten years, you would receive $18,000 per year.

To apply for your pension, contact the NBA office at (212) 765-2000.


In conclusion, NBA pensions are not as great as they could be, but they are still a good retirement plan for former players. If you are a former player who is looking for a retirement plan, you should definitely consider the NBA pension.

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