How Much Is the Average NFL Pension?

The average NFL pension is $43,000 per year. However, there are a number of factors that can affect how much a player receives from their pension.

How Much Is the Average NFL Pension?

How pension plans work

NFL players are vested in the pension plan after three years of service. The average annual pension benefit for a retired NFL player is $43,000. The pension is paid for by the NFL and the players’ union. It is not funded by the team owners.

Defined benefit plans

Under a defined benefit plan, your employer promises you a specified monthly retirement income — often based on your years of service and pay. If you leave your job before you retire, you may still get some benefits, but they’ll usually be less than if you stay with the company until retirement.

Defined benefit plans are sometimes called “pension plans.” But not all pension plans are defined benefit plans. There’s also something called a “defined contribution plan,” which we’ll talk about later.

With a defined benefit plan, your employer agrees to pay you a certain amount of money every month when you retire. That amount is usually based on two things: how long you’ve been with the company and how much money you made while you were working.

Defined contribution plans

Under a defined contribution plan, employers (and often employees) make regular contributions to an account set up for each worker. The investments in the account grow tax-deferred until withdrawal, at which point they are taxed as income. The most common type of defined contribution plan is a 401(k).

With a 401(k), you decide how much to contribute from each paycheck, up to a maximum set by the IRS ($18,500 for 2018). Your employer may also offer to match a portion of your contribution. The money in your account is invested in mutual funds or other options chosen by the plan, and it grows tax-deferred until you retire. At that point, you pay taxes on the money you withdraw.

There are other types of defined contribution plans as well, such as 403(b) plans for employees of non-profit organizations and 457 plans for state and local government workers.

How much do NFL players get?

The average NFL pension payment is $43,000 per year. Payments vary based on years of service, with players who have played more than 20 years receiving the highest payments. Players who retire before they are vested (less than four years of service) do not receive a pension.

Minimum pension

As of 2007, the minimum pension for an NFL player with three credited seasons was $20,000 per year. A player with ten or more credited seasons could receive $56,000 per year.

Maximum pension

As of 2018, the maximum pension that can be earned by an NFL player is $1,685 per month, or $20,220 per year. This amount is calculated using a formula that takes into account the number of years a player has been in the league, as well as his age and years of credited service.

Average pension

The average pension for an NFL player is $43,000 a year. But that’s just an average, so some players will get more and some will get less. The amount of your pension depends on how long you played in the NFL and when you retire.

If you played before 1959, you’ll get $110 per month for each year you played up to a maximum of $2,000 per month. If you played from 1959 to 1961, you’ll get $250 per month for each year you played up to a maximum of $3,000 per month. For players who retired between 1962 and 1967, the pension is calculated using a formula that takes into account the number of years they played and their final year’s salary.

Players who retired after 1967 receive pensions based on their number of years in the league and their average salary over their last three years of play. The longer you play and the higher your average salary, the higher your pension will be. For example, a player who retires after 15 years in the league and has an average salary of $1 million over his last three years would receive a pension of $58,000 per year.

How do NFL pensions compare to other professional sports?

The National Football League offers its players a pension plan that is worth an average of $43,000 per year. This is a significant amount of money, but how does it compare to other professional sports? In this article, we will compare the NFL pension plan to other professional sports leagues.


As of 2019, the average MLB pension is $34,000 per year. MLB players are eligible for pensions after they have played for at least four years. pensions are funded by a combination of player contributions and team contributions.


NBA players are fully vested in their pensions after just 10 years of service, and they can start collecting them at age 45. The average career in the NBA is just under five years, so most players will get some kind of pension benefit.

The maximum pension benefit for an NBA player is $195,000 per year. For comparison, the maximum Social Security benefit for someone retiring at age 66 in 2020 is $3,011 per month, or $36,132 per year. So an NBA player with a pension can expect to receive about five times as much money each year as the average retiree gets from Social Security.


Players who joined the NHL prior to 2005 and played at least three seasons are eligible for a maximum pension of $2,000 per month, or $24,000 per year, at age 45. However, the average career in the NHL is just five years, so most players don’t qualify for the maximum benefit. The average pension for a player who retired in 2015 was $21,259 per year, according to figures from the NHL Players’ Association.

How do NFL pensions compare to other retirement plans?

The average NFL pension is $43,000 per year. That might sound like a lot, but it’s actually not that great when you compare it to other retirement plans. For example, the average Social Security benefit is $1,294 per month, or $15,528 per year. So, NFL pensions are actually not that great when you compare them to other retirement plans.

Social Security

For most people, Social Security is the cornerstone of their retirement income. But for NFL players, it’s just a small piece of the puzzle.

Generally speaking, you need 40 credits (equivalent to 10 years of work) to qualify for Social Security benefits. For NFL players, the math is a little different. They receive one credit for every season they play, regardless of how many games they appear in. So a player who spends just two seasons in the league would still get full credit for those years.

The average NFL career lasts just over three years, so most players don’t have enough credits to qualify for Social Security benefits when they retire. And those who do often don’t receive very much money from the program.

According to a report from the National Bureau of Economic Research, the median annual Social Security benefit for retired NFL players is just $17,316. That’s less than half of what the average retired worker receives from the program ($28,446).


In order to understand how an NFL pension compares to other retirement plans, it’s important to understand how a 401(k) works. A 401(k) is a retirement savings plan sponsored by an employer. It lets workers save and invest for their own retirement. The funds go into a 401(k) account and the money is not taxed until it is withdrawn.

There are two types of 401(k) plans: traditional and Roth. With a traditional 401(k), the employee pays taxes on the money when it is withdrawn. With a Roth 401(k), the employee pays taxes on the money when it is deposited, but not when it is withdrawn.

401(k)s have become the most common retirement savings plan, but they are not without their critics. One of the biggest criticisms is that 401(k)s are subject to market volatility, which can result in drastic changes in the value of the account over time. For example, if the stock market crashes, the value of a traditional 401(k) will go down. This can be especially hard for retirees who rely on their 401(k) for income.


Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) are tax-deferred retirement savings account available to anyone with earned income and are not specific to NFL players. The amounts contributed to an IRA, up to $5,500 in 2018 ($6,500 if you’re 50 or older), can be deducted from your taxes. Your money then grows tax-deferred until you withdraw it in retirement. penalty-free. There are two types of IRAs: Traditional and Roth.

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