How Much Money Do NFL Referees Make?

How much money do NFL referees make? According to Forbes, the average salary for an NFL referee is $173,000 per year.

How Much Money Do NFL Referees Make?


NFL referees are paid handsomely for their services, but their salaries vary depending on a number of factors. In this article, we’ll take a look at how much money NFL referees make and some of the other benefits they enjoy.

NFL referees are paid on a game-by-game basis, and they also receive a playoff bonus if they work during the postseason. The average salary for an NFL referee is $173,000 per year, but the top officials can earn much more than that. For example, Ed Hochuli, who is widely considered to be one of the best referees in the league, earned $255,000 in 2014.

In addition to their salaries, NFL referees also receive a number of other benefits. These include health insurance, a pension plan, and per diem payments for travel expenses. All told, an NFL referee can expect to earn around $500 per game when you factor in all of these additional benefits.

So there you have it: an overview of how much money NFL referees make. As you can see, they are certainly handsomely compensated for their services!

How Much Money Do NFL Referees Make?

NFL referees are some of the highest-paid officials in all of professional sports. In 2014, the average salary for an NFL referee was $173,000. The highest-paid NFL referee, oftentimes the head referee, made an average of $205,000 that year. So, how do NFL referees make so much money?


The average salary for an NFL referee is $173,000 a year. NFL referees are paid on a per-game basis and make an additional $11,900 for working the playoffs. In addition, NFL referees receive a pension from the league.

Per Game Bonuses

In addition to their annual salary, NFL referees also receive a per-game bonus. According to Forbes, the average referee earned an additional $9,000 per season in 2018, which breaks down to about $500 per game. That may not seem like much, but it adds up quickly when you consider that an NFL referee officiates 16 regular season games per year.

Postseason Bonuses

In addition to their regular pay, NFL referees also receive bonuses for working playoff games. According to Business Insider, the rate for divisional playoff games is $8,000 per crew, while the rate for conference championship games is $10,000 per crew. Super Bowl referees make $12,500 each.

How Do NFL Referees Get Paid?

NFL referees are paid on a per-game basis, and their salary depends on how many years of experience they have. According to Business Insider, the average salary for an NFL referee is $173,000. However, the most experienced referees can make up to $205,000 per year. So, how do NFL referees get paid?

Direct Deposit

All NFL referees are paid on a weekly basis during the 17-week regular season, which runs from September to December. According to Business Insider, the average salary for an NFL referee is $205,000 per year. That adds up to about $12,000 per game.

NFL referees are also paid a pre-determined amount for working playoff games. For example, in 2019, divisional playoff game referees earned $33,000, while conference championship game refs earned $37,000. The two highest-paid NFL officials are the chief of officials and the supervisor of officials, who each earn an annual salary of $500,000.

All NFL officials are paid via direct deposit on a biweekly basis (once every two weeks).


NFL referees are some of the most highly paid officials in all of professional sports. In fact, the average salary for an NFL referee is $173,000 per year. That’s nearly double the average salary for a referee in any other professional sport.

So how do NFL referees get paid? Their salaries are determined by a number of factors, including experience, position, and performance. For example, veteran referees who have worked their way up to the position of head referee can earn an annual salary of $201,000. Similarly, referees who work in high-profile positions, such as on Monday Night Football or the Super Bowl, can also earn significantly higher salaries.

In addition to their regular salaries, NFL referees also receive a number of other benefits and perks. For example, they travel expenses-paid to all regular season games and are provided with free lodging and meals while they are on the road. They also receive health insurance and a pension plan.

So if you’re thinking about becoming an NFL referee, know that it could be a very lucrative career!


In conclusion, NFL referees make a large salary, but they also have many responsibilities. They are responsible for ensuring that the game is fair and that players are following the rules. They also have to be able to make quick decisions in order to keep the game moving. If you are interested in becoming an NFL referee, you will need to have a good understanding of the game and be able to stay calm under pressure.

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