How Much Money Does the Average NFL Player Make?

How much money does the average NFL player make? We take a look at the salaries of NFL players and how they compare to other professional athletes.


When it comes to football, the NFL is the pinnacle of the sport. Players who are lucky enough to make it to the NFL have worked their entire lives to get to this point. So, how much does the average NFL player make?

According to data from Spotrac, the average NFL player made $2.7 million in 2019. The median salary for an NFL player was $860,000, and the top 25% of earners made an average of $4 million. These numbers vary depending on a player’s position, with quarterbacks and running backs typically earning the most money.

While $2.7 million is a lot of money, it’s important to remember that NFL careers are notoriously short. The average NFL career lasts just 3.3 years, so players have to make sure they save and invest their money wisely.

NFL Player Salaries

It is no secret that professional athletes are some of the highest-paid people in the world. But, how much do NFL players really make? The answer may surprise you. According to Business Insider, the average NFL player salary is $2.7 million per year.

Minimum Salary

The minimum salary for players in the National Football League (NFL) is $435,000 for the 2020 season. Players on the active roster must be paid a minimum of this amount each year, and injured reserve players are also paid their full salary while they are unable to play. rookies receive a minimum salary of $610,000. In addition to their base salary, players can also earn bonuses and other forms of compensation.

Average Salary

The average NFL player salary in 2020 is $2 million per year, up from $1.9 million in 2019 and $1.8 million in 2018. The average salary for a player on an active roster increased by 5.6 percent in 2019, according to data released by the NFL Players Association. The average salary cap hit for a player was $4.52 million in 2019, up from $4.37 million in 2018.

Some positions are paid significantly more than others. Quarterbacks are the highest-paid position, with an average salary of $4 million per year. Defensive end is the second-highest-paid position, with an average salary of $3 million per year. Wide receivers are the third-highest-paid position, with an average salary of $2.5 million per year.

The minimum salary for a player in the NFL is $510,000 per year. Players on the practice squad have a minimum salary of $8,000 per week during the season and do not receive any benefits.

Salary Cap

In the National Football League, the salary cap is the amount of money that each team is allowed to spend on its players’ salaries for the league’s fiscal year. The NFL salary cap was set at $285 million per team for the 2019 season. That means that each team can spend up to $285 million on player salaries for that fiscal year. The salary cap is a hard cap, meaning that each team cannot exceed that amount.

The salary cap was first instituted in 1994 and has increased every year since then, except for two years: 2010 and 2011. In those two years, the salary cap actually decreased slightly. The NFL salary cap is typically increased by about $10 million per year. So, for example, if the salary cap for 2018 was $177 million, it would increase to $188 million for 2019.

The NFL salary cap is calculated using a number of factors, including league revenues, player benefits, and other expenses. The actual formula used to calculate the salary cap is not publicly known, but it is believed to be quite complicated.

The NFL salary cap applies to all players on a team’s roster, including rookies and veterans. However, there are a few exceptions: players who are designated as “franchise players” or “transition players” are exempt from the salary cap. These players are typically star quarterbacks or other key players who are indispensable to their team’s success.

How NFL Player Salaries are Determined

NFL players are paid a lot of money. The average NFL player salary is $2.7 million. But how are NFL player salaries determined? Let’s take a look. NFL player salaries are determined by a few different factors.

Collective Bargaining Agreement

Every four years, the NFL Players Association (NFLPA) and the National Football League (NFL) meet to hash out a new Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). This document covers everything from how much players get paid to drug testing procedures to retired player benefits. As you can imagine, it’s a pretty long and involved document.

The two sides usually start negotiating about 18 months before the current CBA is set to expire. During these negotiations, they will discuss things like revenue sharing, benefits, and, of course, salaries. Once they’ve come to an agreement on all of the major points, they will put it in writing and vote on it. If both the owners and the players approve it, then it becomes the new CBA and is in effect for the next four years.

Performance-Based Bonuses

NFL teams are constantly looking for ways to create a competitive advantage within the league’s salary cap system. One way that they do this is by offering “performance-based bonuses” to players. These bonuses are typically structured so that the player receives a payment if he meets certain statistical benchmarks during the season. For example, a player might receive a $50,000 bonus for catching 60 passes in a season.

Performance-based bonuses are an important part of many NFL player contracts, and they can provide significant additional income for players who have successful seasons. However, it’s important to note that not all players receive performance-based bonuses in their contracts. In some cases, teams may feel that the risk of offering such bonuses is not worth the potential reward.


In conclusion, the average NFL player salary is $2.7 million per year. The median salary is $860,000, meaning half of the players in the NFL make more than that and half make less. However, the top 25% of players in the NFL make an average of $4 million per year, and the bottom 25% make an average of $1 million per year.

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