How Much Does It Cost To Restring a Tennis Racket?

Wondering how much it costs to restring a tennis racket? Check out our blog post to find out the answer!

The Cost of Restringing a Tennis Racket

The cost of restringing a tennis racket can vary depending on a few factors. The first is the type of string you choose. The second is the length of the string. The third is the tension of the string. And the fourth is the number of strings you need.

The Cost of the String

The cost of the string itself is usually around $10-$20, depending on the type of string you choose. For example, natural gut strings typically cost more than synthetic strings. If you need to replace the entire racket, the cost will be around $100-$200.

The Cost of the Labor

The cost of labor will vary depending on the tennis pro or racket stringing service that you use. Most pros or stringing services charge between $10 and $30 for labor. Some may charge by the hour, while others may have a set fee for all rackets. If you have a discount or coupon, you may be able to get the labor for less.

How to Save Money on Restringing a Tennis Racket

Tennis racket stringing is not cheap. The cost of stringing a tennis racket can range from $20 to $40. There are a few ways that you can save money on restringing a tennis racket. You can either string the racket yourself or you can go to a discount tennis racket stringer.

Do It Yourself

If you’re handy with a racket and strings, you can restring your own tennis racket and save some money. You’ll need to purchase a stringing machine, which can cost anywhere from $100 to $1,000, as well as the cost of the strings themselves. The machine pays for itself after restringing a few rackets, so if you play tennis regularly, it’s worth the investment.

Find a Cheaper String

While there is no one answer to how much it costs to string a tennis racket, there are ways to reduce the cost. One way to do this is to find a cheaper string. Many sporting goods stores offer string at a discount, and you can also find strings online for less than retail price. Another way to reduce the cost is to string your racket yourself. This requires some knowledge of racket construction and stringing, but it can be done relatively easily with some practice.

Find a Cheaper Restringer

While you can save a few bucks by doing it yourself, the cost of the tools and time needed to properly restring a racket may not be worth it in the end. A professional restringing job will usually set you back about $20, give or take a few dollars depending on the string type used. You can often find cheaper rates advertised by local shops or even at some sporting goods stores. Just be sure to ask what type of string they use and compare it to what’s recommended for your racket.

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