How the NBA Lottery Works

The NBA Draft Lottery is an annual event that determines the draft order for the NBA Draft. The lottery is held among the 14 teams that did not make the playoffs in the previous season.


The NBA Draft Lottery is an annual event held by the National Basketball Association (NBA), in which the teams who did not make the playoffs that year participate in a lottery process to determine the draft order in the NBA draft. The draft lottery started in 1985, and is currently implemented as a weighted system whereby the worst team has the best chance to receive the first overall pick, while the best non-playoff team has the worst chance to receive it.

What is the NBA Lottery?

The NBA draft lottery is an annual event held by the National Basketball Association (NBA), in which the teams who did not make the playoffs during the previous season participate in a lottery process to determine the draft order in the first round of the NBA draft. The NBA draft lottery Started in 1985.

The lottery is conducted prior to the playoffs, meaning that the teams involved have not yet been determined. The 14 teams that do not make the playoffs are entered into the lottery, and they are weighted based on their regular season record. The team with the worst record has the best chance of getting the No. 1 overall pick, while the team with the best non-playoff record will have the worst chance at winning a top-three pick.

The odds of each team winning are as follows:
-The team with worst record has a 25 percent chance of winning
-The second-worst team has a 19.9 percent chance
-The third-worst team has a 15.6 percent chance
-The fourth-worst team has an 11.9 percent chance
-The fifth-worst team has an 8.8 percent chance
-The sixth-worst team has a 6.3 percent chance
-The seventh-worst team has a 4.3 percent chance
-The eighth-worstteam has a 2.8 percent chance
-(via SBNation)

How does the NBA Lottery Work?

The NBA Lottery is a system used to determine which NBA team will receive the first overall pick in the NBA Draft. The lottery is conducted in a private room before the Draft, and only the team representatives and a select few others are allowed to be present.

The lottery process begins with all 14 non-playoff teams being placed into a hat. There are 1,000 four-digit combinations (from 0000 to 9999) assigned to those 14 teams, and each team is given 250 of those combinations. The 1,000 four-digit combinations are then placed into a second hat.

A representative from each team draws a combination from the second hat, and the team that draws the combination with the highest likelihood of being chosen (based on their record) receives the first overall pick. If two or more teams have an equal chance of receiving the first overall pick, then the second overall pick is determined by lottery as well. The process continues until all 14 first-round picks have been determined.

What are the Odds of Winning the NBA Lottery?

The odds of winning the NBA lottery are slim. For the 2017-2018 season, the league’s 14 lottery teams had a combined 25 percent chance of winning the top overall pick. The team with the worst record – in this case, the Suns – had a 25 percent chance, while the team with the second-worst record – in this case, the Kings – had a 19.9 percent chance. The odds decreased from there for all other teams.

What are the Benefits of Winning the NBA Lottery?

Winning the NBA draft lottery has its perks. Not only does the team that wins the lottery get the first overall pick in the draft, but it also gets a significant amount of money to spend on player salaries. The team that wins the lottery is also guaranteed to have a top-three pick in the draft.


The NBA lottery is a system that is used to determined the order in which teams will draft players in the NBA draft. The teams that finish with the worst record in the NBA regular season are given the most Ping-Pong balls in the lottery, and those balls are used to determine the order of the draft. The team with the most Ping-Pong balls has a 25 percent chance of getting the first overall pick, and the team with the fewest Ping-Pong balls has a 0.5 percent chance of getting the first overall pick.

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