How NBA Players Pee: The Inside Story

We all know how important hydration is for athletes, but have you ever wondered how NBA players stay hydrated during games? It turns out, they have a few tricks up their sleeves (or, more accurately, down their pants)!


As anyone who has played or watched basketball knows, there are times when players need to take a break to relieve themselves. What many people don’t know is that because of the way basketball uniforms are designed, it can be very difficult for players to go to the bathroom without making a mess. In this article, we’ll take a look at how NBA players pee and how they keep themselves clean during games.

How NBA players relieve themselves during games

No one wants to think about how NBA players relieve themselves during games, but it’s a fact of life. And like everything else in the NBA, there’s a process and protocol to follow. So, how do NBA players pee during games?


At halftime, players head to the locker room, where they have access to a toilet. But some players prefer not to use the toilets in the arena, said Marc Stein of the New York Times. They may be worried about the cleanliness of the facilities or they may simply prefer not to wait in line. Instead, some players will urinate into a Gatorade bottle or cup and dump it out later in the locker room shower.


Players say they generally try to use the restroom during timeouts, when they have a minute or so to spare. Some also take advantage of TV timeouts. If they’re really in a bind, players say they’ll just go right on the floor. Many NBA arenas have urinals in the locker room, but players say it’s not always convenient to use them because they’re usually occupied by other players or team personnel.

Other methods NBA players use to relieve themselves


In order to catheterize, a small tube is inserted into the penis and then urine is drained through the tube. This method is mainly used by players who have had surgery on their groin area or who are suffering from an injury that makes it difficult to urinate normally. While this method may be less than ideal, it is much better than wearing a diaper during a game!


porta-potties are a common sight on NBA sidelines. They offer players a place to relieve themselves without having to leave the court, and they’re usually brought out during timeouts and halftime.

Players typically use them for two reasons: to avoid using the restroom in front of fans, and to prevent opponents from seeing them use the restroom. Some players believe that if an opponent sees them using the restroom, it will give the opponent an advantage.

Porta-potties are also used by players who are dealing with injuries or illnesses that make it difficult for them to use the regular restrooms. In these cases, the porta-potties provide a much needed relief for these players.

The dangers of holding it in

As any NBA player will tell you, there’s nothing worse than having to go to the bathroom during a game. That’s because, as anyone who has ever played organized basketball knows, there is no way to discreetly take a break during the action to relieve oneself. So, players have to rely on other methods, like wearing diapers or using catheters, which can sometimes lead to serious health problems.

The most common method of dealing with this problem is to wear a diaper, which allows players to urinate without having to leave the game. However, diapers can be uncomfortable and even dangerous if they are not properly fitted or if they leak. In addition, dehydration is a major concern for NBA players, so it is important that they drink plenty of fluids throughout the day.

Catheters are another option that some players use, but they come with their own set of risks. For example, if a catheter is not inserted properly, it can cause infection or other medical complications. In addition, catheters can sometimes become dislodged during physical activity, which can be extremely painful.

The best solution for NBA players is to make sure they use the restroom before the game and drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. However, if that is not possible, then wearing a diaper or using a catheter is the next best option.


In conclusion, NBA players have a variety of methods for dealing with the inevitable need to urinate during a game. Some players will use a catheter, which allows them to continue playing without interruption. Others will use a portable toilet or urinal, which they can access quickly when they need to go. And some players simply hold it in until they can take a break. Whichever method they choose, it’s clear that NBA players take their bathroom breaks very seriously!

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