How the NBA Schedule Is Made

Ever wonder how the NBA schedule is made? It’s a process that involves a lot of people and a lot of moving parts. Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at how it all comes together.

How the NBA Schedule Is Made

How the schedule is made

The NBA schedule is made by Adam Silver and his team. They have a computer program that takes into account many different factors, such as travel, time zones, and days of the week. The program spits out a list of games that Silver and his team then tweak to create the final schedule.

NBA releases a list of games that will be played on certain days

At the start of each season, the NBA releases a list of games that will be played on certain days. For example, on Christmas Day, there are always five games played, featuring some of the best teams in the league. The Christmas games are always nationally televised in the United States, so it is a great opportunity for teams to show off their talents to a wider audience.

But how does the NBA decide which teams will play each other on specific days? It’s actually a pretty complicated process, and it all starts with a computer program.

First, the league has to take into account things like national holidays, arena availability, and team schedules. For example, teams that play in arenas that are also used for concerts or other events might not be available to play on certain days. The league also tries to avoid having teams play four games in five nights, or what is known as a “4-in-5.”

Once all of these factors have been taken into account, the computer program spits out a list of potential matchups. From there, it’s up to the schedule makers to make sure that there is some sort of balance in the schedule. They don’t want two good teams playing each other every single night, so they mix things up a bit.

The schedule makers also have to take into account things like television networks and time zones. For example, it wouldn’t make sense to have two teams playing each other at 10pm ET if one team is located on the West Coast and one team is located on the East Coast.

After all of these factors have been taken into account, the schedule is released to the public. And that’s how you end up with a Christmas Day lineup that features some of the best teams in the league!

Local television stations then request which games they want to air

TV networks (TNT, ESPN, ABC, NBA TV) request which games they want to televise nationally. They also let the league know what days and time slots they want those games. TNT broadcast games on Thursdays, ESPN on Wednesdays and Fridays, ABC on Saturdays and Sundays.

Local television stations then request which games they want to air. The league tries to accommodate as many local TV requests as possible because that’s how the league makes most of its money — through local TV contracts.

Once all the national and local TV requests have been submitted, the league looks at each team’s home and away games and tries to create the most balanced schedule possible.

The NBA tries to accommodate as many requests as possible

The NBA tries to accommodate as many requests as possible when it comes to scheduling. For example, if a team wants to play at home on a certain night, the NBA will work with that team to try and make that happen.

But there are some requests that the NBA simply can’t accommodate. For example, a team might want to play all of its home games on weekends, but that’s not possible because there are only so many weekends in a season.

The NBA also has to take into account other factors when making the schedule. For example, the league try to schedule marquee games (like the Lakers vs. the Celtics) on nights when they will get the most TV exposure.

Why the schedule is made this way

The NBA schedule is made to ensure that each team plays every other team an equal number of times. The schedule is also made to ensure that each team has an equal number of home and away games. The schedule is made in such a way that the teams with the best records from the previous season play each other more often.

So that fans can watch their favorite teams play

The creation of the NBA schedule is both an art and a science. A lot of factors go into making the schedule, such as time zones,weather, and holidays. The goal is to create a schedule that is fair for all teams and also gives fans the opportunity to watch their favorite teams play.

The process of creating the schedule begins with a computer program that takes into account all of the factors that need to be considered. The program then creates several thousand different schedules, which are then evaluated by a team of people. The evaluation team looks at things like time zones, holidays, and weather conditions to make sure that each team has an equal chance to succeed.

After the evaluation team has narrowed down the number of potential schedules, they send their recommendations to the NBA Board of Governors for approval. Once the Board of Governors has approved the schedule, it is released to the public.

Creating the NBA schedule is a complex process, but it is one that is necessary in order to provide fans with the best possible experience.

So that local television stations can make money off of advertising

One of the primary reasons the schedule is made in this way has to do with money and, more specifically, advertising dollars that flow into local television stations. Remember, the NBA regular season is an 82-game slog that only really becomes must-see television once the playoff chase begins in earnest around Martin Luther King Day in mid-January. That leaves a lot of dead space on the calendar, particularly in the first few months of the season.

November and December feature plenty of marquee matchups and holiday tournaments (like the Garden’s annual Jimmy V Classic), but there simply aren’t enough big games to fill an entire night on a given night. So, the league has little choice but to play multiple games at once and let each market choose which game it wants to show. This means that fans in, say, Milwaukee might not see LeBron James and the Lakers very often during the regular season if they play most of their games at 7 p.m. when the Bucks are also scheduled.

So that the NBA can make money off of television rights

The schedule is made in a way that the NBA can make money off of television rights. This is done by having games on days when people are more likely to watch television, such as on weekends and holidays. The schedule is also made in a way that promotes rivalries and promotes interest in specific teams.

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